Morning Wood profile picture

Morning Wood


About Me

I am a Hard working Very Competitive Person I love to win at just about everything I dont Mind Losing, as Long as I gave it my very best I Love Big Dogs I have 2 Akitas Nico and Conan I was raised In Las Vegas, I know one of the Few and I did not become a Gambler drunk , drug addict or porn star that one would be cool. I enjoy Sports all sports except the NBA have no interest in it a bunch Of Cry Babies Thugs and Convicts That Is just the Owners. As for occupation I am a Telecom Data Consulant. while I was a Kid I played competitive sport and had made a Little leauge all star Baseball team we had to travel to Idaho for a tournament and while there we became friends with the kids from other states, and i was ask this question by more then 1 person What Hotel Did I live In ? Of Course we allways said Caesers Palace. I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4 ....

My Interests

Sports Jazz in The park Reading Tailgating Every thing from Jet sking Snow Skiing and Late nite Bootie Calls

I'd like to meet:

I would Have Like to have met Howard Hughes Crazy but saw the future, Jim Thorpe the greatest athlete of all time And I would have like to have met and party with Babe Ruth Micky Mantle and Frank Sinatra These people were the best at what they did and knew how to enjoy themselves.Present day People Men and woman of the united states arm forces the brave firefighterso of california and I would love to Party and get to know Larry the Cable Guy Think of the party you could have Get Ur Done..


Just about everything except Crap, I mean Rap I listen to every thing depends on what mood I am In. I have recently started listening to Cool Jazz Artist Like Peter White Rick Braun Chriss Botti, Old Blue Eyes Steely Dan U2 Sting and the best of all time the Beatles only kidding about the last one


Animal House __Young Frankenstein---Blazing Saddles Tombstone ---McClintock With John Wayne Laurel and Hardy Movies Lately The Matador anything with clint eastwood Jaws was a great movie the godfather triology ScarFace, sent of a woman and the Best Movie of all time Slap Shot


Discovery Channel Sopranos The Sheild UFC and all Sports Along with Comedy Central the Mind Of Mencia Some funny stuffheight="230" wmode="transparent"


Glen Beck an inconvenient book Construction Notebook a trade magazine, Your diary Ladies does anyone realy read all this and my all time favorite book Stein Beck Collection of Short stories Included Tortilla Flats and Of Mice and Men and others


My Parents They have stayed together and still love each other for more then 50 years. My father passed away from cancer in feb 2007 he was my hero becuase he never showed the pain and fear he had while in so much pain he only thoughts were to make sure that me and my family would take care of our mother and last but not Least the american fighting men and woman of these united states that keep us safe ..

My Blog

The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats

The Difference Between Republicans and Democrats John McCain, Hillary Clinton, and Barak Obama were walking down a Washington D.C. street when they came upon a homeless person.  The Rep...
Posted by Morning Wood on Sat, 14 Jun 2008 09:43:00 PST

143 DAYS

Just how much Senate experience does Barack Obama have in terms of actual work days?    Not much.   From the time Barack Obama was sworn in as a United State Senator, to th...
Posted by Morning Wood on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 08:11:00 PST

Little Johnny

A teacher in Elmira, New York asked her 6th grade class how many of them  were Obama fans. Not really knowing what an Obama fan is, but wanting to be liked by the teacher, all the...
Posted by Morning Wood on Wed, 11 Jun 2008 07:59:00 PST

Readers Poll

Two magazines, Country Living (99.99% white readership) and Ebony/Jet (99.99% black readership) did surveys on: 'WHAT DO PEOPLE FEAR MOST?' The results were interesting, to say the leas...
Posted by Morning Wood on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 08:53:00 PST


Heart Attacks     After an exhaustive review of the research literature, here's the final word on nutrition and health: 1.  Japanese eat very little fat and suffer fewer heart attacks t...
Posted by Morning Wood on Wed, 04 Jun 2008 09:05:00 PST

5 alarm Chili

I went grocery shopping recently while not being altogether sure that course of action was a wise one.  You see, the previous evening I had prepared and consumed a massive quantity of my patented...
Posted by Morning Wood on Sat, 31 May 2008 03:20:00 PST


Will you give this to my Daddy? As a Company, Southwest Airlines is going to support 'Red Fridays.' Last week I was in Atlanta , Georgia attending a conference. While I was in the airport, returning ...
Posted by Morning Wood on Thu, 29 May 2008 10:09:00 PST

heres the plan

Okay, here's the plan: 1) Back off and allow those men who want to marry men, marry men.2) Allow those women who want to marry women, marry women.3) Allow those folks who want to abort their babies, a...
Posted by Morning Wood on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:08:00 PST

think about this

in Denmark cannot figure out why you are even bothering to hold an election.On one side, you have a bitch who is a lawyer, married to a lawyer . . .and a lawyer who is married to a bitch who is a lawy...
Posted by Morning Wood on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:06:00 PST

Airport runway

Atlanta AirportYou gotta love this one even if you've never lived in the South.Some of you will enjoy this more than others... Southerners can be so polite!Atlanta ATC: 'Tower to Saudi Air 511 -- You ...
Posted by Morning Wood on Fri, 25 Apr 2008 06:02:00 PST