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This is me. Tan carinosa que te pones, cuando yo no estoy. Preciosa y tan mentirosa

About Me

Lectori salutemA circle. Not a heart. A heart can break, but a circle goes on forever."The God of the Old Testament is arguably the most unpleasant character in all fiction: jealous and proud of it; a petty, unjust, unforgiving control-freak; a vindictive, bloodthirsty ethnic cleanser; a misogynistic, homophobic, racist, infanticidal, genocidal, filicidal, pestilential, megalomaniacal, sadomasochistic, capriciously malevolent bully." - Richard Dawkins, The God DelusionNota bene, vive mente corde ama"There comes a time when a man has to ask himself whether he wants a life of happiness or a life of meaning. You'd like to have both but it can't be done. Two very different paths. I mean, to be truly happy, a man must live absolutely in the present and with no thought of what's gone before, and no thought of what lies ahead. But for a life of meaning, a man is condemned to wallow in the past and obsess about the future."The name doesn't matter, I have no past. I exist and that's all there is to it. I'll talk to anyone about anything but I hate routine conversation. I'm almost schizophrenic but I wouldn't change it for the world. I'm so unpredictable that I'm predictable. Everything I've ever said, I've meant at one point, no matter how shocking it seems. Freedom of speech muthafucker. I like it when people doubt me, in fact, I encourage it. Makes it more satisfying when I prove you wrong. I think I like to be put in a category so I can break out of it again. I write. I analyse. I calculate. I watch. I listen. I remember. I drag myself forwards and simultaneously hold myself back. I want to be part of something. I'm hugely ambitious. If there is a sixth sense, I have it to some extent. Minimal changes in a person that to them seem incredibly unimportant can to me seem like huge changes and a sign of things to come, and I trust these perceptions whole heartedly. I live by them and they often save me. Not always. When I go to the counter to be served, the total price of the goods I'm buying is already known. There are no surprises. I don't have eyes in the back of my head but I can see around corners. I can often struggle to find the motivation to do some things, but this is countered by the fact that when I do do things, I do them very thoroughly, I never leave a stone unturned, I will go to the ends of the universe to find the exact answer to a question and I'm not even nearly happy if the answers or solutions or the thing I'm trying to achieve is not achieved to a 100% perfect standard and all this is done using the lowest amount of time and energy possible. I think that was maybe the best sentence I've ever wrote right there. I love to support underdogs. I love it when people are shocked. I like the idea of anarchy, fuck everything. But I understand the need for rules, I'm just laid back about them. I love a shared experience. I love simple things. I'm not as amazing as I'm making out, this is false advertising at its best. Hate me or love me, I can now honestly say I don't give a fuck. I am proud of what I've done given the circumstances, but now it's time to mix it up a bit. Keep moving or die. Those are our options. I have nothing to hold me back, nobody to tell me what to do, no reason to fear anything.Drop us a line?
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My Interests

You mean hobbies right? I don't really have any. I wish I could say I love to snowboard, travel and play guitar but I don't have anything like that. Although I will travel. There is a part of me that wants to explore and see as much of the world as I can, because as the song goes, heaven is a place on Earth.
I'm fairly normal in the sense that I love listening to music (I can't walk without music), watching good films, reading great books, playing addictive games, having a few beers with friends, getting completely trashed with friends, chatting about bullshit usually involving solving all the world's problems or the nature of the universe and various other pretty normal things. I love things that challenge me and stimulate me and you see that in everything I ever do, say or like. I'll read articles about crazy scientific shit, I watch films that are total mindfucks and I fathom them out, I think a lot about the meaning of a lot of things, I like poker because I love the psychology behind it, I like how other people think and I like other people's opinions. I'd rather people try to change my mind than agree with me. I find it hard to sleep because I get stressed a lot about everything. Some people find cutting themselves gives them a release (I think that's dumb), I find putting shit in my head down on paper as words (or typed on a laptop lol) gives me a release. I love the alternative. There is a balance in me that means when presented with two options I'm likely to be in the minority in the one I choose, but I'll try to get everyone to choose what I choose so the minority becomes a majority. I guess I like change, but too scared of it to do it alone.
I guess I'm just interested in ideas, opinions and creativity.
You Are 94% Evil
You're the most evil person you know.
The devil is even a little scared of you! How Evil Are You?Well, at least I'm 6% good...

I'd like to meet:

Someone that inspires me to be the best possible person I can be.
Someone who's fit but doesn't know it lol.
I don't know though really. Bring it on. Life's too short for some things. Screw grudges, screw second chances, and if you try to bring me down then screw you. But I'd like to think that I (mostly) recognise when people mean well and are good to me, and I never forget those people ever. Cool"The beauty of religious mania is that it has the power to explain everything. Once God (or Satan) is accepted as the first cause of everything which happens in the mortal world, nothing is left to chance...or change. Once such incantatory phrases as "we see now through a glass darkly" and "mysterious are the ways He chooses His wonders to perform" are mastered, logic can be happily tossed out the window. Religious mania is one of the few infallible ways of responding to the world's vagaries, because it totally eliminates pure accident. To the true religious maniac, it's ALL on purpose". - Written by Stephen King, in the context this was wrote a whole load of shit dawned on me. The next part of the story showed a character talking to a crow for 20 minutes because he assumed it was God in a bird watching him. Haha. Funny...If you feel an overwhelming desire to chat to me on msn then you will need two things: my hotmail address which is [email protected] and a blue moon, since I'm rarely on msn seeing as my laptop and msn don't get along too well.Below is a trailer for the new season of the best programme to ever grace tv in the universe. If you've never properly got into Lost, you need to. It is fucking amazing.


Let's not fuck around. I used to love hip hop. Now it's wank. Except Immortal Technique, Eminem and Nas. Immortal Technique is the future. I fucking love metal. Soooooo many bands to listen to it's just crazy. There's just so much goddamn choice, and so much I still need to listen to.


Mindfuck films all the way!! Donnie Darko was my favourite film ever. - That had been true for ages but now it has challengers, Mulholland Drive is incredible, I loved it so much. If you like mindfuck films, you should watch it. Also, INLAND EMPIRE is the craziest film ever, love it. But I can watch most films, I love comedies and action stuff too. I also love Pulp Fiction, Resevoir Dogs, Memento, American Psycho, The Matrix trilogy (I don't care what anyone says, Reloaded and Revolutions are ace), Trainspotting, Liar Liar, Garden State, Requiem for a Dream, Saw, Hostel, 8 Mile, Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas, Fight Club and others that haven't come to my mind at this moment in time. Films are brilliant, they take ur mind elsewhere for a couple of hours...Want to see the first 18 minutes of the best mindfuck film ever? If you actually watch it you will think "what the fuck?" You won't know what's going on, but that's the beauty of it. This film is a masterpiece:Crazy shit eh? And the rabbit hole goes deeper than that. "It's a story that happened yesterday, yet I know it's tomorrow".


Lost is my favourite programme ever. The mysteries on top of mysteries on that island just amazes me.
I also love Prison Break, Smallville, 24, Friends, Scrubs, South Park, Family Guy, Big Brother (I know lol) and sometimes the news. You need to know what the fuck is going on in the world lol. Oh, and I love Heroes now too, that shit is well good.
And Deal or no deal! I love watching people gamble and then fucking up haha. The banker reminds me of me sometimes lol. It's the best quiz show ever.
Sky Sports News and the music channels is normally what I watch though, cause music and football never gets boring lol.


I love the Harry Potter books and The Da Vinci Code like everybody else out there that reads.
My fave author by far though is Stephen King, his books are amazing, especially the Dark Tower series. The Dark Tower is so good, everybody should read them. They make the Lord of the Rings seem like all Frodo did was walk down the street and throw a ring down the drain lol. Nah, but honestly, read them. It's a huge journey and Stephen King's best work.
The Stand is also amazing, truly epic.
The God Delusion by Richard Dawkins is one of the best books I've ever read. It's everything I've ever wanted to say or wondered about but haven't quite had the knowledge or words to make into a compelling argument myself. It's "the most coherent and devastating indictment of religion I have ever read. The case Dawkins makes could not be clearer. There is no God. All religion is wrong".


My friends. Love you all x. Also, righteous people that do selfless acts in the interest of others. What a great quality that is to have. I try to emulate that sometimes but often fuck up. So when people do something good and are not out for any personal gain, I find that pretty fucking amazing so maybe they should get hero status. Richard Dawkins is a legend, his words are needed in today's world. Check this shit out, it's funny as fuck:

My Blog

The birds are bloody singing

Well I should be waking up in a couple of hours to go to uni but I can't sleep at all. It's not happening tonight, I didn't even get close. Too much on my mind. It sucks though cause it means the week...
Posted by Darren on Mon, 25 Feb 2008 09:48:00 PST

Amazing words of another mind

Ok, for me to like a band, I have to like their lyrics aswell as how they sound. And lately I've been listening to a lot of Stone Sour, Corey Taylor's other band (as opposed to Slipknot for non-metalh...
Posted by Darren on Mon, 18 Feb 2008 09:01:00 PST

The Moon under the water

Tired. So tired.So this past week has been pretty good.Wednesday was poker night, always a laugh. I came 4th out of the 9 of us, I was a bit disappointed cause I had a realistic chance of coming secon...
Posted by Darren on Sat, 16 Feb 2008 08:26:00 PST

Same Shit, Different Day

I've come here for some therapy again. Today's problem is that I keep focusing too much time and energy on stupid and pointless things and not giving enough attention to the things that matter.I get a...
Posted by Darren on Mon, 11 Feb 2008 12:09:00 PST

Where do we go from here? 2

I kind of need to talk but I don't know what to say or who to say it to. I'm a bit worried. You see, most people to me these days seem crazy, but when that kind of thing happens, it usually means that...
Posted by Darren on Tue, 05 Feb 2008 04:49:00 PST

The Rise of the Atheists

Well, I had two options today. I could either start revising for the next exam on Wednesday 16th, or I could do this, which I've wanted to do for a while. Sometimes when I have really big opinions on ...
Posted by Darren on Sun, 13 Jan 2008 11:51:00 PST

8, 9, 10! Pick up a pen!

Right, I need to get some shit down cause I'm starting to panic.I'm back in Liverpool, and the next 5 days of life will be totally shit. It isn't fair, I've been totally screwed. When exams are as imp...
Posted by Darren on Sat, 05 Jan 2008 01:27:00 PST

The best is yet to come

Ok, so the last one of 2007 wasn't the last one lol. This blog ain't gonna stay here, it's just that I'm itching to write stuff. I have enough bullshit in my head to write three blogs at the moment, a...
Posted by Darren on Sat, 29 Dec 2007 07:17:00 PST

The Last One of 2007

I have time to vanquish, since I'm in a crappy sleep cycle again. My sleeping patterns are creeping into my dreams, so I now dream about being asleep lol. I keep getting to sleep ridiculously late/ear...
Posted by Darren on Wed, 19 Dec 2007 06:53:00 PST

The List (07/01/08)

This is The List (in order, not complete), cause I know I will forget this shit, if this is after the 7th Jan then this shit needs to be re-read and make sure you do what it says unless shit has chang...
Posted by Darren on Wed, 12 Dec 2007 04:59:00 PST