www.metaartist.com profile picture


love. light. live. right. heal. fight. give. sight.

About Me

An urban yogini who spends mornings making liquid music, afternoons dancing to an orchestra of dandelions, and evenings tagging the city with my spray canned mantras. A color crazed painter who dreams in black and white. A multidimentional intuitive sista who learned long ago that if you've got one foot in the present and one foot in the past then you're peeing on today. An Ethiopian-American internationalist who thinks in Spanglish, speaks Ebonics, dreams in Vietnames, and had pastlife love affairs in ancient Kemet. A sista on the artist grind!

Myspace Layouts - Myspace Editor - Image Hosting

My Interests

Art: paint, photography, mixed media, collage, mosaics, graphic, printmaking, crochet, etc.... My practice: yoga (I teach it as well), Reiki, crystal therapy, vision quests, mantras (japa meditation), listening, cooking sadhanas, satsangs, therapeutic arts... Dance: Ethiopian, North African (belly), West African, freestyle dancing at the club.

I'd like to meet:

the god in you! (namaste)


Love me some soul music. I'll take a plate of Me'shell Ndegeocello, Amel Larrieux, Erykah Badu, KRS-1, Alice Smith, Midnite, Lauryn Hill, Roots, Mos Def, Tribe Called Quest, Fertile Ground, Gi Gi, Burntface, Djemba music, Zap Mama... I love my local underground music, legendary soul stars, international music, roots reggae, hip-hop, etc.... I often paint to one song on repeat for hours... I'm into the mantras/vibration healing.


Love independent films... Like yummy movies like Love Jones, Slam... The Constant Gardner, Hotel Rwanda... I like to laugh too! Stand up comedy/Dave Chapell, Jim Carrey movies... Please, no horror. Yes to Japanese love stories!


Don't own one.


Amongst the books currently in rotation: Opening to Spirit, Women Who Run With Wolves, Healing Love of the Tao, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali, You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hays, Prisoner's Wife, The Alchemist, The House on Mango Street, Zulu Shaman by Credo Mutwa, From Amma's Heart... I went through stages in my book reading... I went from reading Mumia Abu Jamal/Assata Shakur/Pro Pro black... to Bell Hooks/Liberate the Woman... to Third Eye/Holistic Cleansing/Liberate your soul.... What's next?


The perfected embodiment of God.

My Blog

first funeral

so i went to my first funeral today... that was a challenging experience. i celebrated my aunt's saki's life and mourned in the way i knew... through love and remembering her in her strong times. i di...
Posted by www.metaartist.com on Sun, 11 Nov 2007 04:58:00 PST

High Energy Day - October 17, 2006

Peace all,I first heard about this through word of mouth, then I found the following online. Please maintain positive thoughts, speech, and action on this day (and always!). Your words, thoughts, and ...
Posted by www.metaartist.com on Wed, 11 Oct 2006 09:11:00 PST

Which color Chucks are you?

Take the quiz: Which color Chucks are you?White ChucksYou are creative and unique. You probably are thinking why the white but that is because you need a blank canvas so you can let out your own crea...
Posted by www.metaartist.com on Wed, 09 Aug 2006 05:44:00 PST

womban series

Here are some of the mixed media paintings from my lates series on women and wombs. This is a series about self discovery. Notice the subliminal backgrounds. They were just exhibited at the Eubie Blak...
Posted by www.metaartist.com on Sun, 21 May 2006 04:25:00 PST