Hmmm, what would I say? :-D If you're here, you know me, so nothing more. :-P
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Marcia Cross 3, DH, Felicty Huffman, X-files, David Duchovny, Gillian Anderson, Vivien Leigh, Romy Schneider, Julianne Moore, Pierce Brosnan, Bruce Willis
MARCIA and DH & Romy Schneider & Sissi Fans! :-DLove:If you're a Romy Schneider Fan, join to us at my Livejournal community:
Gone with the wind 3, Sissi, X-Men, The Mummy... and many many more
Desperate Housewives, X-Files
MM: Gone with the wind, Jane Austin: Pride and prejudice -- 2 big faves! 3