The Infamous Mr. Fitz profile picture

The Infamous Mr. Fitz

Doesn't matter, I'll probably get hit by a car, anyway.

About Me

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I'm 34 and I work in the child-care industry. I went to school for graphic design and illustration, so its beyond me just how I got into this field...I live in the Berkshires, Massachusetts to be precise. I find it extremely boring yet it has its appeal. Having a background in art, I consider myself an artist in every sense of the word. Most people would describe me as being odd and quirky, if not completely awkward in my mannerisms. I prefer the description, romantic and troubled. It should come to no surprise to anyone that I'm a diagnosed bi-polar and also suffer from OCD and a history of substance abuse issues. (/sigh) I'm open-minded and curious but have my own, often-times skewed and stubborn views...Some people may find me to be downright offensive or rude, as I often speak my mind, being brutally honest and rarely backing down in defense of my stances. I enjoy a good argument, find a certain comfort in being sad and while I can't claim to be the most intelligent person on earth, I find stupid people rather offensive. My sense of humor tends to be on the darkside and I find the tragedies and problems of others, in certain circumstances, entertaining. I'm a homebody that likes to watch weird movies, playing video games and fucking around on the computer, as going out usually leads to outrageous behavior. I don't drink and haven't in a long while but am an avid pot smoker...Everyone needs at least one vice and I make up for the lack of alcohol in my life with plenty of bong hits, cigarettes and internet porn. I like the X-Games more than the Superbowl and I rather draw, sketch or play around in Photoshop than go for a hike. A marathon of Robot Chicken holds my interest better than the World Series and I'll eat a burger or cheesesteak over a salad, anyday. I grew up skateboarding, never learning how to ride a bike and while I cant even stand on a pair of skates, I can rip the shit out of a downhill slope (Providing my knees dont break...again.) I'm an intimidating 5'8, weighing a whopping 160...fully-clothed and soaking wet. I slouch, I mumble, dress like I tour with Tony Hawk's Boom Boom Huckjam and sometimes get carded for butts, though not nearly as often as my ego would like. Still curious? Got a question or two? I'm not nearly as unlikable as I make myself out to be. Email me, read my blogs or send me an invite. (Please note however; I rarely accept an invite without an email accompanying it.)

My Interests

PCs and the Intraweb, Video Games, Art & Illustration, Movies, Music, TV, Cartoons, Animals, Cooking, Reading weird books and poetry, strange, interesting and unusual odds and ends...Need specifics? Then you need to ask. I don't fill out surveys and a list would be neverending.

I'd like to meet:

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Meh...I dont really know who I'd like to meet. Hmmm... I see alot of people's profiles that have this section filled out with a laundry list of celebs that they will never, ever meet. People that are dead and famous. Sure, I have my personal heroes and everyone has a celebrity crush or two. Who wouldn't love to sit down, for a coffee with a historical figure? Or go out on a date with their favorite actor or actress? However, I dont consider myself quite deluded or delusional enough to think that meeting a celebrity through their Myspace page is in anyway feasible. So, what then? Friends? Real-life friends are hard enough to keep up with and manage relationships with. Life is hectic, work and daily adult responsiblities eat up endless hours of everyone's time. Fitting in a little private time for myself, which I find absolutely essential to my sanity, is a difficult thing to do, in the year 2008. Having a few good and true friends is all I can really ask for, let alone manage. And while I know it is entirely possible to meet new people online (I've played WoW for 3+ years.), I have no expectaions of finding many kindred spirits in the vastness of cyberspace. A relationship? Nah... After having a 10-year relationship and spending 3 years mending the heartbreak that it brought with it, I have finally started dating someone new. It's casual and loose enough to keep me safe and free yet serious enough to stay dedicated and monogamous... And that's all I really want or need, for the foreseeable future, to make me comfortable. I work with kids and while I wouldn't ever rule them out, they too are something I have little interest in, at the moment. So, I guess I'll just resort to the last bastion of cliched responses to this section: Cool people with similiar interests. Ugh, how pitiful is that? Lets try that again: People that don't suck, people that at least try to "get me", people that have something of interest to talk about or say, other artists and oddballs, mildly insane people, people that own cats and people that eat babies.MOVE ALL HTML CODES (IMAGES/WIDGETS/SLIDESHOWS/VIDEOS) BELOW THIS CODE


I listen to just about everything and I'll give anything a chance... From classical to punk, oldies to rap, hardcore to reggae. Lyrics are important to me but if its catchy and has a good hook, I'll listen. I do like disco. I do like 80's cheese. And yes, I do like jug band and lounge muzac. Country music, that real Brooks & Dunn/Line-Dancing-type shit, however; makes me want to take a trip to the tub with the toaster. I have a terribly short attention span, blame MTV and video games, and while I enjoy music and can listen for hours on end; I also need to have constant control of it. I will rarely listen to any song, even my favorites, in its entirety...It's an annoying habit/obsession, I know, but songs just happen to end 30 seconds to a minute earlier for me. I base what I listen to on how I feel at the moment and that can change from minute to minute. It also encompasses a range so varied and random, a list is impossible.


I watch a lot of movies, probably too many for my own good and definitely too many to try to list. Netflix, torrents and a burner have caused my movie collection to ballon from a paltry 50 or 60 movies to well over 400... As with music, I'll give just about anything a chance and believe me, I do...I've sat through my fair share of stinkers. My favorite genre is horror, anything from B-Movies to classics to staright-up gorefests but I'm especially partial to Asian Extreme and any sort of zombie flick. And while I spend most evenings watching irresponsible teens get beheaded, eviscerated and amputated, I also enjoy dark or over-the-top comedies, anime, sci-fi, action and thrillers. Kung-Fu kicks ass and of course, porn is a major staple of my viewing but I find romantic-comedies to be ridiculous and only enjoy dramas when I'm truly in the mood for substance over style, which is not usually the norm.


I love television and have a TV in every room of the house. I watch it constantly, if just for something to have on, in the background. I have been compared to Mike Teevee, as I have a wealth of useless knowledge and odd trivia stored in this head of mine. I watch so much TV that listing what I don't watch would be much easier than trying to nail down a list of favorites. And while shows like Robot Chicken, Family Guy, Scrubs, Monk, House, Mythbusters, Venture Brothers, Ninja Warrior, CSI and Attack of the Show all rank highly on my list of things to watch, it should be noted that any sort of reality TV is banned from my house. I also enjoy a good deal of trash TV, making a habit of watching shows like Jerry Springer, on my days off and World's Most "Insert Ridiculous Behaior Here", when nothing else is on. Typically, my TVs are tuned to USA, G4, Cartoon Network, Discovery, Food Network, Spike or Fox.


I'm not a huge fan of sitting down to read books, my lack of attention span kills the practice, 9 times out of 10. I do do it, though and prefer non-fiction to fictional stories. I like books that have facts and lists in them, books broken into sections (not chapters, mind you) and books that can be read, in part, at anytime...Things I can assimilate rather than be entertained by. Books of artwork, photography or poetry, coffee table books and magazines are always favorites. They are easy to pick up and look at without a large investment of time or concentration, yet can still be enjoyed. Dont get me wrong, though, I love a good mystery, suspense, or horror novel and some classics such as Catcher in the Rye, Dante's Inferno, The Satanic Bible or The Zombie Survival Guide cannot be ignored.


-MC Escher
-HR Giger
-Kurt Cobain
-Salvadore Dali
-Jimmy Pop
-Stewie Griffin
-Jim Morrison
-Kevin Smith
-Tony Hawk
-Edward Gorey
-Matt Groening
-Darth Vader
-Bam Margeria
-Bruce Campbell
-Henry Rollins
-Dr. Seuss
-Hunter S. Thompson
-Stephen King
-Jon Stewart
-Clive Barker
-Johnny Depp
-Timothy Leary
-Todd MacFarlane
-Justin Timberlake
-The Borg
-Wierd Al
-Trent Reznor
-Bill Gates
-Willy Wonka
-Dr. Who
-Bill Clinton
-Sam Jackson
-Johnny Knoxville
-People with European Accents
-Doctor Orpheus
-Jack Black
-Michael Knight
-William Shatner
-Gibby Haynes
-Jello Barfia
-My good friend and partner in crime:The Almighty Satan
-My Dad

My Blog

The 2nd Annual State of the Fitz Address

As I sit down to write this blog, I peer over at the clock in the corner of the monitor and see that I am a scant 5 hours and 45 minutes away from my 35th birthday. 364 days have passed since my last ...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Tue, 10 Jun 2008 06:54:00 PST

Song of the Day 6/5/08

There arent too many songs that can put a smile on my face like this song can. Being in an incredibly good mood as of late...for various reasons...this song fits Fitz perfectly today. No lyrics, no ot...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Fri, 06 Jun 2008 04:55:00 PST

A Quick Blog and a Few Songs for the Day 5/24/08

While my laundry is drying... This week has been rough at work. The kid I work with has been an absolute nightmare and I've had alot of running around to do, between paperwork, meetings and trying to ...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Sat, 24 May 2008 07:14:00 PST

13 Faustian Deals Mister Fitz Would Make

I think that the title of this blog is pretty self-explanatory, however; I also know that not everyone in my reading audience will know what a "Faustian Deal" is. A quick explaination, according to f...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Fri, 09 May 2008 07:52:00 PST

2 Songs of the Day 5/7/08

I've been doing well. For the first time in as long as I can remember, I feel... dare I say... almost balanced. Not in the depths of depression, nor in a howling-at-the-moon,  lycanthropic fit either....
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Thu, 08 May 2008 07:29:00 PST

Music is My Hot, Hot Sex (Extremely Long)

CSS - Music is my Hot, Hot Sex The idea of this blog began as, "Mister Fitz Investigates and Evaluates the Sociocentric Ramifications of the East Coast/West Coast War and Its Impact o...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Sun, 04 May 2008 12:06:00 PST

Song of the Day 4/18/08

In honor of the start of my vacation, one of my all time favorite songs... It describes my feelings, intentions and mindset, perfectly... No, it isnt about suicide or death... Get creative p...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Fri, 18 Apr 2008 12:14:00 PST

Sex, Art and Jealousy

I've been refered to, in hate mail and blog comments, as a misogynist, a sexist, a pervert and even "the problem with white men across this country". True, I do enjoy my pornography. And, no, I dont f...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Wed, 16 Apr 2008 04:16:00 PST

7 Random Thoughts, Rants, Statements and Ideas (Silly and Long)

Like the title says this is another of my, "I have too many things going on in my head to write just one blog." - blogs. A bit manic, a bit stoned. Agitated yet somewhat happy about it. Lets begin. 7&...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Sun, 13 Apr 2008 10:30:00 PST

My Celebrity Look-Alikes (I GUARANTEE This is Not What You Are Expecting)

So, I see alot of people trying to pass these "Celebrity Look-A-Like" Facial Recognition Programs off as an actual blog. It cheeses me off. I put alot of heart and soul into my blogs and I try to make...
Posted by The Infamous Mr. Fitz on Thu, 03 Apr 2008 04:49:00 PST