What I Am Probably Listening To In The Studio:
Song Lyrics | RELAX, TAKE IT EASY lyrics Mika Okay, So About Me: I am a North Adams native and la la love Berkshire County. I am at Studio JenniGood in The Historic Beaver Mill, where I am planning to have a gallery, photo studio, fashion co-ordination projects and many other creative endeavors. I am an Aries-Snake Girl, Photography Girl, Coffee Shoppe Girl, Small-town Girl, Nature Girl, Adventure Girl, Nerdy Girl, Fashion Girl, Music-Lovin Lover Girl. Anything more you would like to know, ask away. I am quite open and honest; Sometimes too much so. And as my girl Linda Goodman writes in her book, "Love Signs," which I feel describes me well: "The Aries woman is woven of finer threads than those who see only her surface of confidence ever suspect. She is many things more than a fireball of impulse. She's the ecstasy she felt when she buried her nose in the fragrance of the bouquet of violets she picked in an elf-haunted, shady corner of the yard, when she was three.....the kitten she watched get run over by a streetcar.....she's the red kites and yellow balloons, the rainy days of childhood....the newborn baby a lady on the bus let her hold in her arms when she was nine, and acting out a private madonna make-believe.....the snow sparkles under the street light she truly thought were diamonds.....the spanking her fourth grade principal gave her at recess, before everyone in school.....she's the sunrise someone forgot....the song someone remembered.....She's the belly-smacker in the pool, when she was trying desperately for a perfect swan dive.....and more. She's the poem someone tried to write, but couldn't quite complete.....yet could, if someone would allow her to help him write the last verse."