Create Your Own!And now some useful/useless information:
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And I'd also like to add that I'm... a pirate, the cheshire cat, a dear sweet innocent angel, the female version of "oh the cleverness of me" peter pan, silly beyond all recognition, a dee dee dee, a liar, an honest person, living in a fantasy world but stuck in the real one, obsessive, swimming in denial, a thief, survivor, confused, a pathetic loser, stubborn, occasionally funny, special And unique just like everyone else, in love with the wind, a nerd, sadistic, kind and gentle, cute, a villain-lover, absurd, a perFume addIct, borinG, confident, pathetic, a smartass, MystErious, plaiN, looking for someThing, deeply disturbed, a debaucherOus bastard, a girly girl, Fickle, a movie and music junkie, a drinker, a voYuer, the vOice that whispers in yoUr eaR encouraging you to make bad decIsions, a niece spoiler, in need of attention, broke as a joke, ghetto and only occasionally fabulous, an oMnivore with a slightly higher inclination towards Meat -yum yum, A push over, trying to Get my shIt straight, a corporate robot, a role model (scary i kNow), sArcastic, an enTertainer, a reader and a wrIter, a cheerleader, a cOrporate whore, materialistic, an optimist, a morbid bastard, definately not a cutter, a stroNg believer that black is always in fashion and there is no such thing as other colors being the "new" black, a midget, the green eyed monster of envy, that stupid little dog that keeps wagging its tail even if you just got done beating the crap out of it, cruel, compassionate, a puppy, a serial mass murderer (I just don't know it yet), a dominant bitch (heinous was taken ;P ), a device of chaos, a dime a dozen, all of the above at the same time.MySpace Layouts
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