I dig Art. Sports , Music , People , Food , Movies , Travel , Business
Interesting people like other artists musicians entertainers atheletes people from far away places all over the world business owners entreprenuers and since I'm a visual artist any beautiful model with a love for my work !
All music from A to Z as long as its good to the ear drums ya heard ! I mostly listen to Young Cyn aka CynCynatti Traffik who is my son an aspiring rap artist go to myspace.com/imwhatsmovin
man I watch a variety of stuff comedy , drama , suspense , action and a little romance ya feel me !
My T.V. watching mainly consists of sports , news and BET ya dig !
books books books I tell you the truth books bore me to sleep but I don't mind if somebody else reads one to me especially when I'm tired ,so so relaxing :)
there's this one woman my Moms yeah thats my heroe so there I said it man this lady is tough boy and she means business too you have to say other people too like Jesus Christ and Harriet Tubman and Mandela and Dr. King you know for sure no question !