nnniamh profile picture


you don't have to change the world tonight, just tell me when it feels right

About Me

When Vanna White dies, my greatest dream is to turn the letters on 'The Price is Right'.

My Interests

my space will be mine...... so i guess now i must add a profile....things that I love are: prince "pussy control", beer, my mom, hippos, candy, reggae, climbing fences, "bitches", and more recently "buttss,buttss,buttss...", riding my bike, dancing, and impromptu or planned dance parties, barbequing, the chinese bakery on baldwin, little kids with painted on facial hair, shoes, eating eggs every morning, snowboarding with ma women, beaches with rum and cokes, a boombox and nothin to do, kittens, ...dot, dot, dots, bikes, also midnight bike crews, sassiness, fancy old ladies, cadillac convertibles, buffy the vapire slayer, punk rock, post modern art (aka ridiculous), magic, cheese, leopard print, my scarf that i found on the ground, balance, wrapping presents, lying around in my underpants, tegan and sarah "livingroom", road trips, nala (my little meow), anticipation, craftiness, good chalenging conversations, smashing stuff, hot air balloons, ceasars- tres spicy, underwear makeout parties, doug blanket, polariods, the life aquatic, berets(inspite of weird smelly man @ the greenroom, who always atempts to contract me to make him sails, and all while wearing beret...), honesty and lots of other stuff...

I'd like to meet:

your mom


things i hate are: you, your mom (just kidding, she's rad), mushy food, Sandra Bullock (while you were sleeping, ga!), kevin bacon, goths, stupid bitches, fashion, carrots, shaving, bernie, people posting endless quizes about themselves,"hello i'm out here, love me" (isn't it enough that we all have a myspace?), smooth guys, etc.so the lists are works in progress, don't judge me! I just want to give a little something back to the people. Cause that's what we're doin here on myspace, sharing.


This profile was edited with Thomas’ Myspace Editor V3.4

My Blog

atemptimg to add photos....

please work...
Posted by nnniamh on Sun, 02 Apr 2006 09:55:00 PST