Nicole profile picture


A baby will change everything!

About Me

-- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Copied from -- Find me on MySpace and be my friend!Smile...It will make people wonder what your thinking ;)-I edited my profile with Thomas' Myspace Editor V4.4
Have You Ever...?
Smoked yes
Drank Alcohol yes and i enjoy it:)
Been Drunk once or twice
Cried when someone died hasn't everyone?
Been to a concert yeayh
Laughed so hard that what you drank came out of your nose once or twice
Cheated on your boyfriend yeah
Been cheated on yeah
Been lied to by someone you love or loved yeah
Been to prom for like 2 hours it was the after that was the greatest:)
Cried at school yeah
Went streaking does dancing in the rain nude count?
Given a lap dance once or twice
Had a sleepover with someone of the opposite sex yeah
Kissed a stranger yeah
Hugged a stranger yeah
Done drugs a couple times;)
Watched porn yeah but a 16th birthday party comes to mind as the best
Been in love yeah
Cried yourself to sleep yeah
Shot a gun i think once
Messed around with someone else in the same room yes and sorry to the person who was in the same room
Watched an animal die i don't think so
Put someone in the hospital not that