We must have british nipples! profile picture

We must have british nipples!

You could be anywhere when your life begins, when the future opens up in front of you. And you may n

About Me

I'm a big lazy piece of shit... and that's about all you need to know... oh and I talk constantly without taking a breath...I am a bitch, but i'm usually nice when I meet someone I don't know.... I am a hypocrite but who isn't... Everyone irritates me but I'm good at not letting it bother me... I like to have fun and not have to worry about random deusch bags hitting on me because I am the only single female when I go out... Flattery will not get you anywhere w/me except make me irritated... I don't take compliments well, I always figure there is an alterior motive or you're being fake-so don't bother unless I know you....... Despite all of this I am a pretty nice person and once you get to know me I like to think i'm pretty cool, but if you don't like me i'm not going to go outta my way for you... sorry... but if you know me you already know I will do anything for the ones I care about... I can be trusted with just about everything and I am also a good listener... I am not afraid to tell you when you're being stupid-that is if I care about you... If I don't I could care less if you're being stupid.... If, after I know you for a while, I am still nice to you and not sarcastic-then be worried... I can't make a single comment w/o sarcasim so don't take it seriously-i'm just fuckin' with you...... I am on the other hand pretty quiet and keep to myself when I don't know people, so cherish the time when i'm quiet because it will never happen again...... so if I haven't scared you away or bored the crap out of you w/my crap, I look forward to talking to you soon... You should create your own MySpace Layouts like me by using nUCLEArcENTURy .COM's MySpace Profile Editor !

Generate your own contact table!

My Interests

piercings, tattoos,music, concerts, and havin' a good time!

I'd like to meet:

Sweet ass mother fuckers... and Colin Farrell so we could get naked together yea!.... width="425" height="350" ....THAT DANE COOK IS A SILLY BITCH!




Waiting bitches! How can you not like the penis game?.. Mallrats, Dogma, Dazed and Confused, Queen of the Damned, Empire Records, Eternal Sunshine of The Spotless Mind, Big Fish, I Heart Huckabees, the list goes on and on... far too many to name them all...


I'm addicted, I'm a loser what can I say?


The Vampire Chronicles, Harry Potter, anything involving Vampires i'm up for reading, I love them!


I don't really have any heros.. Idols yes: My mom, yea! And Gwen Steffani (I would so go gay for her!)


My Blog

best show ever!

so i've been watching october road lately and i've decided that it's terriffic!   .. i know if  you've seen it i'm totally a girl.. shhh dont' tell n e one...
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 08:02:00 PST

i could've told you this...

You Belong in New York City..http://images.blogthings.com/whatcitydoyoubelonginquiz /newyork.jpg" height="100" width="100">You're the energetic, ambitious type.And only NYC is fast enough for you.Maybe...
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 09:15:00 PST

florida baby!

so yea... me and my roomate just ordered tickets for Tampa and Miami in august! yea!   i'm psyched!    
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Fri, 13 Apr 2007 08:50:00 PST

my room really DID turn into a sauna

So i've been bitching for months that my room is as hot as a sauna.... so last night Genae tuned the knob and it fell off-releasing crazy strong steam out of the hole in the side.... my room filled up...
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Thu, 05 Apr 2007 08:29:00 PST

tomorrow it begins...

so... tomorrow i am starting my diet... WISH ME LUCK! 5 can never commit/stick to anything so we will se how his goes.... I am optimistic tho.... so we will see ...... eek!
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Tue, 03 Apr 2007 08:20:00 PST

the holiday

officially a great movie.. i can't help it i have a vagina i like this shit!   jude law-now him i would marry
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Fri, 23 Mar 2007 11:03:00 PST

goin' home!

woo hoo! in a week I will be home =)  I haven't been home since x-mas so i'm psyched to see my bitches!! I miss you ladies! cya in a week!!
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 08:40:00 PST

i hate my job

i hate my job. i hate my job. i hate my job. i hate my job. i hate my job. i hate my job.   ...i wish i didn't love the people I work with.....
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Mon, 12 Mar 2007 08:21:00 PST

new job?

So I have an interview on Monday at dq... i knwo i know... I guess I just can' get enough of good 'ole dq......     ... wish me good luck!   I am in desperate need of a new job.... a ...
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Sat, 03 Mar 2007 10:01:00 PST


They put a hold on my registration-fuckin' assholes! They could have told me that on those 3 messages they lef tme when I was callin SPECIFICALLY to MAKE SURE I was good to register! Stupid mother fu...
Posted by We must have british nipples! on Wed, 14 Feb 2007 10:27:00 PST