My interests, friends and family. I love to party and hang out with friends, but what 20 year old doesn't? I love going to the Machine Shop, that place fucking rocks!!! I love going to CANADA, the bars there are so fun and the people are so nice! I like to sit in my room and read.. theres just somethig calming about reading. I also love to listen to music that also calms.
I would like to meet Steven Tyler, I think he is an amazing song writer plus he's not bad to look at. I would also love to meet Pauly Shore he is so damn funny and I think he would have me laughing my ass off, I love to laugh.
Story of the Year, Slipknot, sublime, Crossfade, faktion, anything that rocks!!!
wedding crashers, super troopers...anything that makes me laugh. I like some tear jerkers too.
not much of a t.v. person, but I love me some law and order!
my dad, Gregory Peter Ruboyianes and my uncle Pete who paseed away.