marc profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

Someone once called me the most impatient patient person he knew. If you know me that will somehow make sense.I'm obsessed with the Mets. And baseball statistics. And fantasy baseball. And imaginary baseball games. And baseball on my Xbox. I tend to get along better with people who understand baseball because I can use my famous baseball analogies with them. Like, at work, if my boss liked baseball I could tell him that I really could use someone hitting behind me to protect me in the lineup. Or that my arm is getting tired from all this pitching.I have a lot of ideas. Most of them are pretty ridiculous. But I get paid to come up with ideas for a living. And graphic-design a little. And write. And send out press releases. And find interns to do my work for me.People always ask me how I got a cool job like the one I have coming up with ridiculous ideas. "I have a lot of ridiculous ideas. What school did you go to so you could learn how to come up with stupid shit and get paid for it?" Well, that's the secret. I didn't go to school. Somehow I convinced people I could come up with random thoughts that could be turned into marketing campaigns without it.Oh yeah, I'm almost as nuts about advertising/marketing as I am about baseball. I'm the founder of It's gotten some good press in places like the Wall Street Journal. I've met a lot of amazing people through it. We have over 7,000 members now all over the country. Check it out. If you're my friend and you haven't I probably secretly hate you for it. Ever wonder why you're not on my Top 28? That's why! And that time you flaked on me! And the time you punched me and said it was an "accident." I know you're out to get me. You're all out to get me! You're all working for the government! You people are everywhere! How did you get on my profile?I've lived in New York all my life except for 2 years in Western MA, which was a total disaster (Thanks Winstanley Associates and Jim + Savannah!). But that bad experience made me love New York all over again so I am glad it happened.Apparently I'm a super-stud, because there are a ton of girls on here who want me to visit their websites with nude pictures and talk to them with their webcams. But I already have a girlfriend and she's amazing and all I need. Sorry Candy, Trixie and Suzette - I will try to refer you to some of my single friends who use their computer withing close proximity of their credit cards.Oh yeah I think MySpace is really really bad. And lame. I'm only on here because you are but recently I've been using Facebook and I think it works much better and a lot of my old fart friends seemed to have figured it out.I'm not as cool as my profile indicates. Everyone looks cool on the internet. Just look at your lamest friend. Somehow they managed to be cool for long enough to have a decent profile. But I assure you my facial features are at least symmetrical.I've gotten some good accolades this past year. In January, Time Magazine named me "Person of the Year." And I also was honored by the Webby Awards. I also attended the One Show, and the Art Director's Club Awards. But I didn't win anything - I was there as a journalist.

My Interests

Figuring out how to do a lot with a little.

I'd like to meet:

Smart, weird, quirky, entrepreneurial, driven, obsessed people with above average hygiene.


Against All Authority, B-52s, Bad Religion, Beastie Boys, Bikini Kill, Bloc Party, Bouncing souls, Cadallaca, , Chemical Brothers, Clash, Coldplay, Cranes, Dahlia Seed, Descendents, DFL, Dirt Bike Annie, Dropkick Murphys, Echo and the Bunnymen (HAPPY CYNTHIA?) Elliott Smith, Eminem, Excuse 17, Four, Franz Ferdinand, Fugazi, Furious George, Garbage, Get up Kids, Go Sailor, Go-Betweens, Go-Go's, Gossip, Green Day, Guttermouth, Heavens To Betsy, Hissyfits, Hives, Iggy Pop, Interpol, Jawbreaker, Jesus Lizard, Joe Strummer, Joy Division, King Missile, Kittie, Le Tigre, L.E.S. Stitches, Libertines, Magnetic Fields, Man or Astro Man, Massive Attack, Melting Hopefuls, Metric, Minor Threat, Misfits, Modest Mouse, Nirvana, No Doubt, Offspring, Operation Ivy, Orange 9mm, Out Hug, Outkast, Pixies, Prodigy, R.E.M., Radiohead, Ramones, Rancid, Room on Fire, Sarge, Schwervon, Scott M.X. Turner, Screeching Weasel, Seratonin, Shoplifting, Siouxie & the Banshees, Skabs, Sleater-Kinney, Sneaker Pimps, Spunk Lads, Stills, Strokes, Sundays, System of a Down, Toadies, Transplants, Tsunami Bomb, TV on the Radio, United 32s, Velocity Girl, Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Stellastarr*, Les Savy Fav, Bravery, Leftover Crack,


Most movies these days are a waste of 90+ minutes.


HBO stuff, The Apprentice, Top Chef,


Mostly magazines, pamphlets, zines and blogs.


The Consumer.

My Blog

Our housewarming party for those who ignore event invites

Hosted By: Marc LeftonWhen: Saturday Jun 21, 2008 at 1:00 PMWhere: Bonnie + Marc's House123 Chanel Dr EShirley, New York|33 11967United StatesDescription:Marc Lefton Click Here To View Event...
Posted by marc on Fri, 16 May 2008 12:51:00 PST

MySpace courtesy, flaws, etiquette, etc.

There's one area of these general-purpose social networks that have me baffled. First of all, the fatal flaw of MySpace, et al, is that unlike my own social network,, there's no way to dis...
Posted by marc on Thu, 18 Jan 2007 01:50:00 PST