About Me
MONDAY, MAY 19, 2008 -- So, you know, I have about two weeks to deliver my next book to my publisher, Warner Books. (I think they're called Grand Central, now -- but I'm not thrilled with the new name, so I'm still referring to them as Warner Books out of protest.) The due date is June 3. But they called my agent today and said, "You know, we kinda want it... NOW." Turns out there's a big publishing confab here in Los Angeles next week and they want to read the book (In a week? Lotsa' luck there!) so that they can then discuss it at the event. Suffice it to say, this news sent me into a real tailspin today. You guys know me: I have every moment of the next two weeks strategically mapped out in a very specific way in terms of the production of this book. (Tommorrow, I'm working on semi-colons!) So, I asked them to reconsider, or at least give me a couple of days. They're going to let me know. I immediately ran over to GC's to ask what he thought about this whole thing. I do that when I'm in a tailspin because he's always so sympathetic to my concerns. He was packing for Italy, leaving for the summer. (What a life, eh?) With typical empathy, he said, "Jesus Christ! Send that goddamn book to your publisher and stop whining about it, you big baby." See? What a guy. Then, I got to thinking, you know what? He's right, the big salami. This book is done. Or, as he put it, "In two weeks, it'll be no better. It'll just be different." He's right about that, too. Fact is, I have never actually finished any of my books, anyway. I've just run out of time. If it were up to me, I would still be working on my first book -- 14 books ago. I still get the urge to add new material to my Elizabeth Taylor book when I see it in the stores -- maybe pencil in a few remarks in the margins. In the end, I have decided that if Warner wants the book tomorrow, I'm sending it right over -- all 200,000 words of it. Then, one of my best friends and I are going to spend the week at Shutters hotel in Santa Monica (Venice Beach). I'll keep you guys posted. Always know that there are plenty of new challenges on the horizon. I'm definitely ready for my next one -- and I'm thinking it has to do with sun block.
Your friend, J. Randy *****SUNDAY, MAY 18, 2008 -- Damn, its hot! I was in Tarzana yesterday for a couple of parties and it was 110 out there. Last night, I was driving home at midnight on the freeway with a friend and we had the top down, and it was 95. At midnight?! We decided to hit the coast and see what Malibu is like at midnight when it's in the 90s. Very nice, by the way... And crowded, too. Guess we weren't the only ones with that idea. At any rate, just checking in to say hello and hope you guys are having an awesome weekend. I have three hours of martial arts this morning...time to get to it -- and a TV taping afternoon. It's an A&E channel, a bio on Jackie Kennedy, airing on July 8th, for any of you who are interested in that sort of thing. Also, I have an A&E bio on Madonna in the can to air in August for her 50th -- also on A&E. And we're getting ready to do Diana Ross, too. Actually, I'm doing six of these A&E things in the next six months, so I'll keep you in the loop. Oh, and check this out, for you martial artists out there, we're doing Bruce Lee in August. For me to go on the air and discuss martial arts, well, that's a little weird and definitely out of my comfort zone. Not sure it's the right career move for me -- and my agents have said "NO! Have you lost your mind?!" -- but I'm also not sure I could turn it down. Bruce's cuz asked me to do it. I'm going to say no to him??? So, I'm going for it. Can a guy go from Jackie Kennedy to Bruce Lee in one fell swoop. We'll find out, I guess. Hey, it's just TV. It's not rocket science, right? If the suits at A&E are willing to take the risk, shouldn't I also be willing? The worst thing that can happen is that people turn the channel. So, whatever you're up to this week ahead, break out of your comfort zone a little and see what happens. If people turn the channel... so be it. More from me soon... -- J. Randy *****FRIDAY, MAY 16, 2008 -- Hot town/summer in the city/Back of my neck getting dirty and gritty/Been down, isn't it a pity/Doesn't seem to be a shadow in the city ... remember that great song by The Lovin' Spoonful? If so, you're older than I am because I have no memory of it. (Yeah, right!). It'll be 100 degrees in Los Angeles today. As Paris Hilton would say..."That's hot." And if I'm quoting Paris Hilton, you know it's been a long week. A couple good friends of mine are popping into the city this weekend and staying here at Casa Taraborrelli where the room rates are always super cheap and the pool is always super heated. I have a martial arts tournament on Sunday -- looking forward to a little ass kickin'-- plus, you know me, I like the uniform. I'm hoping you remember to enjoy the days ahead and not let anything wear you down. Thanks for all the email this week. Oh, yeah, and that was a great time on Aussie radio this morning. Thanks for all the calls. Let's do that again soon. More from me later... Okay... "Best Friends Roll Call," and here we go: Andy is in Chicago working for MTV (way to go!)... BP is in Cannes with A, the brood and... ta-da! -- the twins (congratulations, my friend)... Jeff is there too, for Dreamworks (what a life)... I have no idea where George S is, but George C is home safe and sound, but with a cold (in the summer? ugh!)... William is spending the weekend here at my house (freeloader!)... Jonathan is in Davis, CA writing away, while his wife, Alysia recovers from her big exam this week (thumbs up!)... Brian is in NY, annoyed at me because I haven't returned his phone calls (will this weekend, though)...Jared is still in Rome working on an Italian soap opera (strangest job ever, my friend)...Frank is in LA juggling real estate propositions (ka-ching!) ...Jeff is starting a new and very important project on Sunday (go for it, buddy...) Linda D is reminding me of an anniversary that makes me feel pretty old (it's been that long???) ...and Roman? Roman's out of bed and up and around after six weeks ... and welcome back, my friend. Hey, let's go hiking. So, what are you up to this weekend? -- J. Randy *****ALOT MORE BLOGGING FOLLOWS THE PICTURES, BELOW...READ AT YOUR OWN RISK...
Get Your Own!WEDNESDAY, MAY 14, 2008 -- I'm in trouble right now with just about everyone I know. It always happens in the final month before I send a book to my publisher - I don't return telephone calls. My good friends who have been around me for many years know this and just accept it. They realize that as soon as the manuscript is delivered, I'll be begging for forgiveness. Not only that, most of them will get free meals out of me as my way of making it up to them. Newer friends tend to get a little more offended. So to them, I just want to say: I'm still your man. I'm just absent. I promise that the week of June 3 will find all phone calls and email duly answered. I have to say that I'm really anxious to deliver this book. It took a lot out of me; the 15-hour writing days wore me down like never before. GC called from New York and left a message for me this morning that made me laugh. "Haven't heard from you, you knucklehead" he said. "You're the one who couldn't wait for Spring, and now you're missing the whole goddamn thing." That's so true. But two more weeks... and I'll be cannon-balling into my swimming pool, once again. Meanwhile, I hope you all are having an awesome Spring. Don't be like me... don't miss it. - Your friend, J. Randy *****
MONDAY EVENING, MAY 12, 2008 -- Say, have any of you guys seen Tom Cruise's "The Last Samurai"? It sure has gotten mixed reviews -- from critics as well as from a certain best friend o' mine. I have to say, I watched it tonight while I was writing and I guess I'm a sucker for this kind of overwrought melodrama because I liked it. Tom's a martial artist, too, so we have a little something in common there. He's told me about his training for the film -- Kenpo, Ju Jitsu and Kung Fu and I look forward to getting into that a little more the next time I see him. He's a great guy, Tom is, no kidding. We've got an interview set for June 16, so be there TC, and don't forget! (And by the way, Tom's the kind of guy who would call the night before to remind me. I don't think he's ever forgotten anything in his entire life.) Oh, yeah, I can close with a good Tom Cruise story for you. For a feature I did on him a couple of years ago, he wanted me to take a flight in his private plane with him piloting. I truly did not want to do it -- in fact, I can't tell you how much I didn't want to do it. Try saying "no" to Tom. But, I steeled myself and said, "I have to pass, Tom. With my luck, we'll crash and I'll be the unknown passenger who died in a plane crash with Tom Cruise." He laughed and said, "My plane wouldn't dare crash. It wouldn't defy me in that way." And I think he was serious! (Pure Tom Cruise, isn't it?) That said, I still didn't go up with him. I was tempted, though, just so that I'd have a very cool anecdote that didn't end with me being a big chicken. Anyway, more from me soon, my friends...J. Randy ******THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 8, 2008 -- In some of my recent blogs, I've told you about my awesome friend, Roman. He's the guy who had that dreadful accident when he fell off the roof of his house. (Makes me cringe thinking about it.) Anyway, as I mentioned, he's writing a martial arts screenplay for [I'd insert name of studio here, but he asked me not to.] He said he's been having a difficult time getting it together and asked me to come by and run some ideas with him. I have to go to him because my brother is still flat on his back in bed -- almost a month after the mishap. Once I got there and started reading his work, I could see that his writing had somehow become more inspired than ever. I was pretty excited about what he's doing and couldn't wait to tell him. So, I did. But, you know what? He's exactly like me and my friends who are also brilliant writers -- Brad, George, Jonathan, Jared. (And did you like the way I sort of suggested I'm a brilliant writer? See, that's technique, my friends. That's technique!) Roman didn't want to hear my praise of his work, not at this stage, anyway. He wanted me to be more critical of it so he could make improvements. "Please don't kiss my ass, man," he told me. "I have to know what's wrong with it, not what's right with it. Just tell me what sucks, so I can fix it." I told him, "Okay, I get it. I'm the same way. I don't want anyone kissing my ass, either." So, I sat on the edge of his bed and re-read some some of the scenes, my brow all furrowed as I wracked my brain trying to come up with something critical but -- goddamn it! -- his screenplay is pretty freaking great. "Well, okay, look, this comma is wrong, it should definitely be a semi-colon," I told him, "and you missed a question mark here. Your punctuation, my friend. It totally sucks. Where'd you go to high school, anyway? And ... that's about the best I can do for you." We had to laugh. It's a funny thing about writers. It's such an effort doing it -- blood, sweat and tears all over the keyboard, what a funky mess -- we definitely want the results to be taken seriously. Truth be told, we only show our work to other writers whose opinions we respect. So, we want to know that they're being totally honest about their view of it and are going to give us constructive feedback. If we're willing to put ourselves on the line by showing a work-in-progress, we definitely don't want some schmo telling us it's great when, hey, maybe, it's not so great. I know I'm that way about my books, especially when they're in manuscript form and I can make changes. It's not insecurity as much as it's just a desire to get it right, to paint the most vivid picture, express the best story... get it ... right. Sometimes, though, it's actually good, even great -- and that's when we just have to accept the fact that we pulled it off, be glad we still have all our marbles and then move on to the next tooth-pulling, headache-inducing chapter. One friend of mine -- not gonna say who but he knows who he is -- is doing the absolute best work of his (young) life right now. What I am loving is his cautious enthusiasm for his writing and his quiet confidence that, yeah, maybe he's sort of in a groove right now because he's definitely enjoying his own work. I love that. I want us to ALL be right there with him... So, anyway, Roman's got it, my friends, the next major martial arts epic for [insert studio name here]. To think that he has done it while also in such pain -- and the boy is on serious Vicodan, by the way (I stole a couple, you know, just in case.) well, that boggles my mind. So, since I've been giving shout-outs to my friends and family this week in my blog, I just want to do the same for Roman. Not only does he have, I think, the coolest name, ever, he's got what it takes to make it big in this God forsaken town as a screenplay writer. I'm proud of him. In conclusion, my friends: Whatever it is you're doing in your little corner of the world, give it your all each and every day. Take it to the next level of greatness and don't stop until it's everything you want it to be. Make it purely your own, a true reflection of your very best of intentions. And, then, if someone you trust tells you that you ROCK, believe it because you know what? You probably do. -- Your friend, J. Randy ****TUESDAY MAY 6, 2008 -- I WISH YOU COULD KNOW: GEORGE --
Today is the birthday of someone who is as close to me as… what? My skin, I guess, because today is George’s birthday. I wish you could know my friend, George. He’s one of the most fascinating people I’ve ever met. So, on the occasion of his birthday, let me fill you in on all-things George. First and foremost, George loves adventure. He lives so close to the edge, I and his other buddies have had to save his ass many times. Let me put it this way: he may as well have his own private suite at St. Joseph’s hospital in Burbank for all of the times we have been in the emergency room there. That said, you really want to bring him back from the brink because – fact is -- George is one the most generous, selfless people you'll ever meet. From a grand scale of world concerns to a smaller one of local issues, he is 100% invested in all humanity. And I think that’s what I admire most about him – he cares. He doesn’t just talk the talk, he walks the walk… every day. And he’s discreet about it. You’d never know of his great contribution by just hanging with him. And here are a few other things you would never know about the birthday boy: He’s addicted to Captain Crunch cereal and eats it for breakfast every morning. (I did, too. When I was six years old!!!) Here’s what I don’t get, though: Captain Crunch is full of calories, sugar and all kinds of crap chemicals… so why the non-fat milk, George? WHY THE NON-FAT MILK? Oh, and he loves grape soda. Give this man a can of grape soda and he lights up like the fourth of July. Also, he reads six newspapers every day – each and every page, even the classifieds… and he’s already got a pretty good job. He devours at least three -- sometimes four -- books a week. How he does this, I'll never know. I write books but never have time to read them. He excels at basketball, football, soft ball and pretty much all sports – not martial arts, though; at least I still have that on him (for now, anyway) -- but he can’t swim; I have never seen anyone sink faster. Also… he is computer illiterate; he still thinks you have to “turn it on.†He once called me to ask me what it meant when a person said he had just “googled†him. He’s also one of the most patient people I have ever known. However, his pet peeve is folks who use their Blackberrys in movie theaters. If he sees that blue light on in the darkness, you can actually feel his temperature rise. He also can’t tell a good joke because, inevitably, he cracks himself up half way through. Politics? Don't get him started. You really have to know what you're talking about to go down that road with this guy. He passionate in a way most people can only imagine. He's not only involving... he involved. In fact, I have learned more from him than, I think, from anyone else. He and my best friend, Jonathan, are probably the only two true "intellectuals" I know. (Man, am I setting myself up for a lot of conflict from my other friends with that statement!) In the end, he’s one of the funniest, wittiest, most interesting people in my life. And when he smiles...well, there's pretty much nothing like it. It's all over, from there... I’m glad he’s my friend and I look forward to seeing what kinds of trouble we can get into in the future. So, this is a major MYSPACE shout-out to George – the Birthday Boy -- from his partner in all things criminal, J. Randy ***FRIDAY MORNING, MAY 2, 2008 -- I WISH YOU COULD KNOW: ROCKY --- Today is my brother, Rocky's, birthday. I wish you could know my little bro. He's a self-styled man in the true tradition of hard-headed Taraborrelli's. Like my Dad -- "Rocky I" -- he set his own course a long time ago and has done pretty much whatever the he's wanted to his entire life. The men in our family were never cut from the 9-to-5 cloth. My dad had his own business. My brother, his own. And I have my own, too. In other words, none of us have ever had traditional "jobs." How cool is that? I wouldn't know how to handle a "boss." As soon as he told me what to do, I'd tell him to get lost and I guess that would be the end of that job. Sitting here right now, I actually can't remember anyone ever telling me what to do in my entire life. My brother and my dad are the coolest guys I know ... besides Brad Pitt, of course. (Sorry, no one is cooler than Brad Pitt.) My bro. has an awesome wife, Rose, and two terrific kids, Vincent and Rocky (yeah, we have a lot of Rocky's in the family... what's up with that?) Truth be told, I've always thought my brother has it made. I'll bet he thinks the same thing of me. But I sure wish I had a hot wife and a couple of great kids to take care of me when I'm old. (I know Brad Pitt ain't gonna do it.) I'll probably end up living on the exit of a freeway, selling busted-up oranges out of a brown paper bag. But, hey that was my choice, right? My brother is the only one in the family with a college education. Me? I barely scraped out of high school with a D-plus in gym. I didn't go to college because I got this numb-skull of an idea to fly to California and work for The Supremes. How was I to know they were going to break up as soon as I got here? But my brother is one sharp Italian-American - I should've asked his advice before I got on the plane. I must also tell you that Rocky was teaching all of the other second graders how to smoke when we were in Catholic school. I envied that, too. So, anyway, this is just a little shout-out to my one and only bro. Happy Birthday, man. I'm sending you mad love right now. Have a "sambuca" on me... -- J. Randy ****
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