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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I am peculiar, neurotic, pretentious, scatterbrained, lazy, silly, and loud when I'm drunk. I also have some bad qualities! :p

Oh, and I'm a proper geek who is unsalvageably addicted to World of Warcraft.

I have recently discovered that I am particularly fond of Coconut Ice Cream, but don't like Bounty Bars.

King Ghidorah is a particularly badass Godzilla foe, if you're wondering about my ID.

My Interests

I like and do too many things for my own good which means I never actually have enough time for any of them.

I..m into (in no particular order) Anime, Foreign (particularly Chinese and Japanese) cinema, D&D/ Ars Magica/ RPG, skiing, World of Warcraft, Ninjutsu, blogging (ask me for my blog address), reading, telly, boozing, music, PS2, Sci-Fi, speedway (watching only!), WWE, baking, writing bad prose, and internet.

I would say that my two big ..things.. are Gaming (I..m a proper geek and proud!), and Ninjutsu (I wear black and everything!).

Incidentally, as someone who is practicing the Martial Art of Ninjutsu, I can legitimately claim that I am a Ninja! How cool is that?! [grin]

I'd like to meet:

Orlando Bloom, Michael Pitt, Haydn Christensen, that bloke from Prison Break, Michael Owen, Ryan Phillipe, James Marsters - Can you say FIT?!

Bella Emberg, Rusty Lee, Bungle - They are all true legends!


I like to think of my music taste as eclectic and the cream of all genres. Most people think I like wierdy stuff and my music taste is bollocks. I recently admitted to myself that my record collection retired in 2003 as I own very little stuff made after that and still consider festival headliner material to be 'that new band I've kinda heard good things about'.


I love to be all pretentious and go and see subtitled or indie (or both) films, but I'd be lying if I said my two favourite films aren't Sin City and 5th Element. A close runner up would be Beyond Sunset/ Sunrise which is a bit more arty farty, I guess.


I rarely watch 'live' telly, but I do love to watch telly series all in one go on DVD. As such, I'm usually a season behind everyone else (IE: Everyone in the world should shut the fuck up about the second/ third season of Lost, damnit!).

I feel dirty admitting this, but other than Doctor Who which is the best programme in the world, American telly is trouncing British telly these days with some superb, sohpisticated, intelligent shows. Who'd a thunk it?


I have an English degree, yet I read about 5 books a year these days. I suck.

I laugh heartily at Shakespeare's comedies. That is how amazingly cool I am.

Favourite authors are Shakespeare (obviously), John Wyndham, Octavia Butler, JK Rowling (yeah, I know), and Danny Wallace.


The Doctor, Jack Bauer, Chuck Norris, Optimus Prime.

Seriously, I refuse to answer this question as it's far too twee.

My Blog

My Blog Address

I don't blog here, I blog here:   And I've been doing it for years. Why not go and take a little look?   Have fun,   Mark x...
Posted by Mark on Tue, 04 Jul 2006 01:41:00 PST