Pretty Spice profile picture

Pretty Spice

If thinking is only for fools, then slavery is only for the hard working

About Me

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How do you start this off without 'I am'? - Wait a minute I just did, mission accomplished. Happy person 22/7, only 2 hours out of everyday is serious, if I can squeeze it in. Have my lovely close friends Sarah, Sanjra and Lucy. Then a slow dispersion of everyone else. I keep myself to myself. Rule of thumb is treat people as you would expect to be treated back. Apparently fun to be around, that depends on personal sanity... I doubt I'm everyone's cup of tea/latte/frappacappalickerlopper. It's all about the music, peace and talking. It's never about looks, prejudice or fighting. I like to write, badly, from time to time. My first passion is debate and problem-solving. I would like to leave this world in a better state than I found it.

There're times I know who I am, then there're the times I get lost. Pretty grounded, I will never be decisive though. I have set phases in my life, chunks that remain segregated, a definition of change and hopefully improvement. I lean to the left, things rarely are the true face value we are lead to believe they are.

Things That Make Me Happy

Goats, music, Sarah, integeral-passion, oil lamps, Prague, horticulture, the incidental things, plans, Meg, jeans, harmonica, brick-buildings, Autumn, cherries, pewter, poetry, serendipity, vodka, space raiders, art, resting, assisting, laughing and hugs.

Things That Annoy Me

Shrink-wrap, public MP3 playing, bad hygeine, insincerity, bad manners, time-wasters, creeps, Glaxo-Smith Kline, Procter & Gamble, Nestle, 'chocoholics', illness, crime, Bono, narcissism, dolphins, yellow, pears, white socks, glass tables, concrete, intolerance, bourbon/nasty scotch, horses and salt.

My Interests

I lurve Goats, one day I'm going to keep at least two. Haven't decided on any names yet. They shall be my children. I'd preferably like them both to be bearded. Films, Music and dare I say it........ reading. Yes people still read, but I normally find myself reading about people's broad opinions! I definitely recommend Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss: Ghost World Film and everyone should own a RED HOT CHILI PEPPERS album. As far as religion goes its not open for discussion here, well obviously cos it's not an Interest it's a moral standing.

I'd like to meet:

James Strawbridge Lynne Truss Bill Murray Alicia Silverstone Rachel Griffiths The Terminator Dermot O'Leary Christopher Buckley Ethan Hawke Everyone, not at the same time, also exclude Bono and Sandi Thom from the everyone bit.This video is from one of my favourite movies, one that nobody else in my life seems to have even heard of.Eis am Stiel - Flirten

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The following video is from a film called Serial Mom, it's hilarious and sick, buy it.


No Doubt,


Crash Test Dummies,


Kristin Hersh,

Alanis Morissette,

The Counting Crows,



The Human League,

Air (The French Band),

Red Hot Chili Peppers,

White Stripes,


Skunk Anansie,

PJ Harvey,

Tanya Donelly,



Suzanne Vega,



Cocteau Twins

Souxie Sioux,

The Fratellis,

Jose Gonzalez,

The Like,

The Police,

The Pretenders,

Smoking Popes,

Janis Joplin,

Depeche Mode,

David Bowie,


They Might Be Giants,


Sarah McLachlan,

Tori Amos,



Lost In Translation.

Welcome to the Dollhouse.




Ghost World.

Empire Records.

Don't Tell Mom the Babysitter's dead.

Party Monster.



Lemon Popsicle.


If these walls could talk 1 & 2.

Dazed and Confused.

The Hole.

In Good Company.

Serial Mom.

Cry Baby.

Sleepy Hollow.

Blast From The Past.

Excess Baggage.

Brokeback Mountain.

Buffalo 66.

Very Annie Mary.




The Bankok Hilton.

Drop Dead Fred.

Ferris Bueller's Day Off.

Monsters Inc.


The Langoliers.


The Virgin Suicides.


28 Days Later.


One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest.


Donnie Darko.

Resident Evil.

The Holiday.

The Science of Sleep.

Goodbye Lenin.


The Butterfly Effect.

The Hours.


Edward Scissorhands.

Welcome Home Roxy Carmichael.

Outside Providence.

Requiem For A Dream.

The Breakfast Club.

The Wisdom of Crocodiles.

Bring It On.

The Three Fugitives.

The Brief Encounter.

This Year's Love.


Location Location Location! Roseanne. Peep Show. Property Ladder. The Re-Inventors


Four Past Midnight. Eats Shoots and Leaves. Steve McQueen Biography. Thank You For Smoking. Plus many more but they are my top four.


I never thought I'd write anything here, but Lynne Truss has become my idol. I'm also starting to admire the Big Brother produces for letting us see psychological experiments on humans, I say put the GlaxoSmith Kline co in there and get the test tubes out.

Myspace Layouts at / Paul walker - Image Hosting

My Blog


See previous blog. Anyway, sheeka, I feel awesome. I have just released some daemons, bounce bounce bounce. I still have no words but wahey, lots of sounds and I'm gesticulating all over the show in d...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Tue, 19 Jun 2007 06:25:00 PST

It goes Boom, Boom, Boom

My heart keeps racing when I think about something. It probably means that my head isn't working properly. I'm getting excited about something that is so uncharacteristically me. I'm the sensible one,...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Thu, 14 Jun 2007 02:56:00 PST

Am I ready?

What I have been waiting to hear came at the wrong time... I lost all the words I had prepared to say in response. Then fate intervened and now I think the time has past me by. My head is all over the...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Tue, 12 Jun 2007 05:16:00 PST

Pleased To Be

For a year or two, that is what I got. I say got, it's what I was. Got being a punishment. A sentence to make things right. It should have been longer, it wasn't so. I was a light for moths at that ti...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Mon, 04 Jun 2007 04:08:00 PST

Naughty Words I Love

MUNTER - A beast of a person, smelly and annoying.WILLIDELPHIA - The soft cream cheese of a penis.GUNT - I stole this one, but it's the flab between the gut and cunt.POLYSTYRENE - White trash, muhahah...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Sun, 03 Jun 2007 06:23:00 PST

Treason of Believing

Are we victims of our own doubts? I really do think we can bugger the future up with one word. That word has two letters. It's sometimes the hardest word to say. It's when it slips out easily that we ...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Sat, 02 Jun 2007 02:49:00 PST

How does a ......?

How does a duck know, what direction South is? Or how to tell his wife, from all the other ducks? hmm?? You can cut a chicken's head off, and it will keep on moving, and twitching. ..... Eveything see...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Wed, 30 May 2007 04:57:00 PST


What on Earth am I implying here? Chicken - Greasy Birds Pigeon - Dirty Birds Duck - Fat Birds Owl - Flexible Birds Eagle - Big Birds Emu - Lanky Birds Swallow - Quickie Birds Canary - Gawdy Birds Haw...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Mon, 28 May 2007 06:15:00 PST

A Little Light Fades

The lighter was invented before the match, hard to imagine but actually true. I've been thinking abou the backwardsness of this. Another fact, the muffler on a car was invented by a woman. So, a man ...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Fri, 25 May 2007 09:34:00 PST

Maximum Imposement

At what point do you give up trying? Is it when there is no result? The result is worse than you can accept? Is it when you get half a result and realise it's not worth any more effort? I try to remai...
Posted by :^:Dean:^: on Sat, 19 May 2007 06:45:00 PST