Tearing it up on the drums, tearing through the wall of lies that the biased neo con media uses to create a public consensus that will agree with their pre-determined policies, playing guitar, writing sick ass songs, going to shows, working out, working and studying in the air conditioning field, my number one goal in life is to get my own A/C business so I can be banking off all these rich corporate bastards who are outsourching jobs and using illegal labor to get rich, when their shit breaks, they'll be paying my whitetrash ass to do what they can't, thats the Amercian dream right there, fuck working for the man, and when all their computer jobs go to India, you won't see me in the unemployment line! . ..
Intelligent musicians whose musical drive is an expression of their true will as opposed to fake ass punks who play to gain status in the shallow immature death metal club. Women who value a man for who he is and what he stands for, not what he has and what he can pretent to be in public. People who understand the serious issue of survival in today's economic situation, and don't judge others for having to work and be responsible just because they can still be irresponsible on someone else's dime. I DONT want to meet fake metal sluts who like metal because of the gothic clothing they can wear or use metal as an excuse to be a drug addict, a ho is a ho, wearing a metal shirt doesn't make you any more! I DONT want to meet guys who use metal as an excuse to be a drug addict and a waste of human life, just because you like metal doesn't mean you have to throw your life away, its just a fucking cop out and it depresses the fuck out of me. Unfortunatly, I think I just described most people in the metal scene, so I probably don't have any interest in meeting anyone, I'm the kind of person who would rather live in solitude with pride and self respect than slither around in a pit of snakes and leeches just to have a social life. I will show up, perform to the best of my ability, hopefully you will get some chills and be reminded of what the spirit of metal really is, then I will leave, return to my busy life of climbing the economic latter to a position of real individual control. I'm a rebel WITH a cause, and I don't have time to be dragged down by rebels who don't. And yeah, you guess it, I am an arrogant asshole who thinks he's better than you, so choke on it and burn in hell mother fuckers!
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Origin, Vital Remains, Morbid Angel, Deicide, Dying Fetus, Nile, Cryptopsy, Decrepit Birth, Psycroptic, Insidious Decrepancy, Slayer, Gorgasm, Hate Eternal, Brain Drill, Images of Violence, Your moms slaughtered pussy, and my band VATIC ASH!"The eye of horus is prepared to attack thee!" NILE "How can you defeat that which finds nourishment in your attack, How can you kill that which finds santuary in your blade, How can you hinder that which embraces strategies against it, you can take nothing from not!" MORBID ANGEL "I've forsaken destiny, for malignancy, I have crushed the sacred, and the wicked, equal in my eye of eyes, your demise, pulverizing all the blinded sheep!" ORIGIN "Like cancer our hate consumes the light of elysium, unstoppable force of demonic supremacy!" VITAL REMAINS This is what the illuminati have done to spirituality, they crucified it, raped it, and turned it into a cult of brainwashed consumers, rendering it obsolete to the few who see through it, we are not the evil ones, we are a mirror that reflects only truth. Christianity is pain divine!!!! "Religion is hate...Religion is Fear....Religion is War Religion is rape...Religion's obscene..Religion's a Whore!" -SLAYER-
Gummo, Scarface, America-freedom to fascism, Eyes Wide Shut, Pulp Fiction, Full Metal Jacket, American History X, Dimevision, Lord of the Rings(only to laugh at Golam), Terrorstorm-the history of govt. sponsored terror, Devil's Rejects, Blow, Pantera live DVD's, Saw, old school Star Wars, Team America World Police, Fehrenhiet 911(Because Bush Knew!), Anything funny or evil.
I'm embarassed that I watch TV, The Daily Show with Jew Stewart, South Park, Cops, The History Channel, Fuck reality shows and Fuck MTV! And fuck shows about spoiled rich kids in beverly hills that don't deserve to share the world with the rest of us.
The Book of The Law by Aleister Crowley, No Boundary by Ken Wilber, Books on Buddhism and Trancendentalism, Books on the Occult, I like to expand my mind beyond the same old western thinking of good and evil, there's more to life than conflict and opposits, sometimes you just have to shut up and stop thinking and take a look around you to find what is right and beautiful in this fucking human hell.
Not heroes, just mortal men that I admire: Pete Sandoval, Trey Azagthoth, Alex Jones, Glen Benton, Tim Yeung, Jim Morrison, Dave Suzuki, Dimebag, Aleister Crowley, Anyone who died so I can say whatever I want and not have to be christian. Anyone who defends freedom from the fucking tyrants in the world, including the tyrants in Washington D.C. The monetary hierarchy that has global domination in its sight! NEW WORLD ORDER under the light of Lucifer, this is the golden dawn, but I don't beleive all that glitters is gold. The man who predicted the age we now live in before this masonic occult symbolism was on our currency. Did he really predict it, or do our leaders follow his predictions to make them a reality? The baphomet, inverted to symbolize the negative is the focal point, a tie that binds life systems together. Another baphomet, this one symbolizes the left and right hand paths, as you can see the left is facing down and the right is facing up, this is a universal symbol of the conflict our western minds face when contimplating spiritual matters, the illusion is the opposits, they are one and the same. Skull and Bones, just a stupid frat, or proof that fraternal brotherhoods have held more power throughout history than the governments that have provided the means for their power. Sure, our system is an honest attempt at democracy, but how well is it standing up to an assualt by organized men who wish to infiltrate it, so far our last three presidents have been bonesmen, don't be surprised if we have three more. The Bush Doctrine