Bryan profile picture


The Master said: A gentleman works on the trunk.

About Me

I'm going to be a nurse in about 3 months, but what I really want to be is a philosopher, but not really. I want to know what life is all about, what matters, what doesn't, and why do we do what we do. I don't feel like I can get any satisfactory from anyone. I feel like I've struck pay dirt with C. S. Lewis and his crew: G. K. Chesterton, St. Thomas Aquinas, etc. I want to meet people who are searching this stuff out with their minds and hearts--I really wish I could find anyone else alive who I can relate to philosophically.

My Interests


I heart huckabees, life aquatic, the newer Les Miserables, Merchant of Venice, and Much ado about nothing, Band of Brothers,


Mere Christianity, the Abolition of Man, The Problem of Pain, The Space Trilogy, Miracles, The Everlasting Man, Orthodoxy, The Dumb Ox, Les Miserables, Shakespeare--especially, the Merchant of Venice, Much Ado about nothing, and the Sonnets.


Any one who really lives out what they believe and is content