?? Which Of The Greek Gods Are You ??
.." I'm a Hyperdimensional Immortal Super-Being Stuck In- Transit..and I Think You're Kinda Cute...".." I'm Basically: An Autonomic Androdgenous Mono-Sexual Narcissist Independent Existentialist Neurocrat: with a Twist of Lime and Heavy on the Rocks...".." Nothing Lasts Forever...Everything Endures Forevermore.." "..I'm One of the Sexiest Men Alive..SO Trancendental Now that Nobody Knows What to Do With Me..I Guess Hyper-Dimensional Imaginations These Days Are Definately on the Wane... Oh Well.."My Name is Raphael: Arch-Angel, Rennisance-Painter, Neo-Rennisance Revivalist Visionary- And When I'm not busy frightening Women off with my superb intellect and "too good to be trueness" I'm Persuing a massive undertaking of passionate on-going personal projects through various mediums and expressions of Art and Music that are dedicating and incorporating themselves into a Grand-Master Theme that all of my Expressions will Ultimately Comprise; and Finally be left as my one and only priceless gift to the rest of Existence and the Universe.. However: If you ever want to find out all the Various Keys to Certain Mysteries that upwell from the Source of all this.. (You're just going to have to wait in line behind the rest of the World..) "Next!" -Raphael- P.S. If you're a Sexationally Gorgeous Inelligent Female reading this..(You Don't have to wait in Any Lines..)But you DO have to repeatedly rehearse this excerpt of the following lines..(You are the SGI-FEMALE-LOL) (SCENE:)(Droves of Countless Anxious people are waiting Patiently, Im-patiently, Excitedly, and Anxiously to enter the Hottest Club in The Universe) (Someone in the crowd Taps Another Female on the Shoulder) BY-STANDER: "Hey Look.."(Female looks) "Over there.."(Female looks around confused)"No:no-no-no.."(Female stops)"Turnaround.."(Turning Female around by the shoulders) "You see?"- "The Owner of the Club has been Waving YOU in for what has seemed like Forever!" SGI-FEMALE: "Really?"- (SGI-Female begins to run toward the concealed side door around the side of the building) CLUB-OWNER: (Waving Briskly, then Taking her hand and Smiling)"How Ya Doin'Miss?.." "Glad you could Finally Make It!.."(Door closes)- -To Be Continued- NO END .. Amie Street Player -->