I was once interested in lots of stuff. Now i'm a lazy bastard thats only interested in whatevers within the reach of my chair. oh and playing frizzbee golf.Ok in the last year i've started strength training. I'm going to get all strong and shit. !
Contact Tables @ Marksgraphichelp.com
Friends and Elvis. Just so i could say, "I met Elvis." Seen him in Tim Hortons once. He looked pissed so I didn't talk to him. Oh and anybody else. Myspaceparnks.com - Games for Myspace
Anything that ROCKS!Thats the coined phase i think
Highlander, Shawshank Redemtion, Apollo 13, 13th Warrior, Tomraider1 and 2, Termanator, The Postman, and a whole shitload of others.
Stargate SG1, How its made, Mythbusters, and ya I like all the Star Treks.
Stianless Steele Rat (Harry Harrison), Poul Anderson, Issac whats his head. L. Ron Hubbard (Battlefield Earth Saga of the Year 3000)
Your my hero!
Whats Your Stoner Nickname?
Never Sober
You are the kid who can't seem to put down the Ganja. You often find yourseld feeling more out of your zone when your sober then when you are stoned. You have permantly friend your brains and have aquired the intellgence of a 5th grader. You are fun to hang with but often hard to cummunicate with because you are retarted. Your a Chill person to hang with at the least
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