All types of movie stuff. cyber punk, steam punk, all things geek
People trying to leave a mark on the world.
In alphabetical order: Adam and the Ants, Art of Noise, Astrud Gilberto, Bach, Bad Religion, Bauhaus, Beastie Boys, Billie Holiday, Bjork, Black Flag, Blondie, Beatles, The Cars, Circle Jerks, The Clash, The Cramps, the Cranberries, David Bowie, Dead can Dance, Dead Kennedys, Deltron, Devo, Eminem, Fear, Garbage, Johnny Cash, Morphine, Nick Cave, No Doubt, Oingo Boingo, PJ Harvey, Pixies, Police, Portishead, Ramones, Red Hot Chili Peppers, Stan Ridgway, Sex Pistols, Siouxsie & the Banshees, Sisters of Mercy, Sneaker Pimps, Talking Heads, Tom Jones, tom Waits, Transvision Vamp, Vandals, The Velvet Underground, violent Femmes, X. a bunch of other stuff I forgot...
In a random order: Near Dark, Robocop, Empire Strike, Buckaroo Bonzai, Pulp Fiction, Resivoir dogs, North by Northwest, Lawrence of Arabia, The Silence of the Lambs, China Town, Fight club, Alien, Aliens, Amadeus, Donnie Darko, Forrest gump, Fargo, Blade Runner, Terminator 1 and 2, Batman, Batman Begins, Cool Hand Luke, The Princess Bride, The Incredibles, Indiana Jones, Schindlers list, Toy Story, Die Hard, The Wild Bunch, The Thing, The big Lebowski, Heat, Planet of the Apes, Serenity, Apocalypse Now, Saving Private Ryan, The Iron Giant, Back to the Future, Das Boot, Evil Dead 2, Platoon, Full Metal Jacket, The Caine Mutiny, Unforgiven, No Name On the Bullet, The Usual Suspects, Lots of others I cant think of right now.
BATTLESTAR GALACTICA! best show on TV. The writers strike better not screw this season up... Entourage and the Sarah Silverman show are the best reality shows on. I like the new shows Life and Pushing Dasies. My guilty pleasure is Gossip Girl.
Chronicles of Amber, Foundation series, Hyperion series, Lord of the rings, Reality Disfunction, Ringworld, Ann Rice Vampire Chronicles, Many Colored Land, Dune, Startide Rising, Brave New World, Forever War, Enders Game, Fountain Head, Snow Crash, Diamond Age, Nueromancer, Princess of Mars John Carter books, Mostly Sci-fi.