UPDATED 17.10.07
HOME: I live in Wallasey with my lovely boyfriend Mart and our cat Snoop. My boyfriend and I have been together for 7 and a half years and we bought our house back in 2004. I bought a new car in August!! Getting a new kitchen fitted soon!!
WORK: I work as a Transport and Distribution Administrator for a distribution company who work for Nestle Cereals,
I'm based out in North Wales, which is ok, apart from traffic jams.
LOVE: My Man, my family, my friends, my cat, I love Amsterdam!! Been twice in 2006, Its fab over there and if i didnt have a jobs, a cat, a house, car and friends and families we wouldnt have come home!!!
LIKE: I like the sunshine, it makes me smile. I like cool tattoos, and i want a new one. I have a tattoo on my back, and want a new one, theres a pic of the new one i want on my pictures!! I like travelling and need to do more! I appreciate good photography. I like the summertime, days are longer and its hot and daylight lasts for ages.
HATE: Rain! I cannot stand are Liars and cheats. WHAT IS THE POINT?. I hate chavs. I hate teenages that hang about on the street. I hate people who use other peoples bin & I hate all this new shite recycling bullshit. I hate there being nothing on the telly! I also hate people who don't have a paypal account, I hate Non-paying bidders on ebay... they are absolute pointless divs. Oh i also hate kids playing in the street...seriously, get a garden!!! I hate shite drivers, white-van drivers, moped owners, and caravanners!!!
PHOBIAS: snakes, sand and clowns.... dont know why, just am.
IF I WON THE LOTTERY: First, you would find me on a plane over to Amsterdam as soon as i had checked my ticket and confirmed, then I would holiday somewhere hot for a long while, Buy properties in Amsterdam, Tenerife, Spain and the UK. Buy the most fabulous sparkly diamond cat collar for our cat...although, she wouldn't appreciate it! Then settle in Amsterdam, in my lovely canal-side townhouse, travel about by bike. Buy Mart a bike repair shop to work in and buy me a lovely little coffeeshop, with a resident cat, and there i shall stay... and of course employ my friends to work in my coffeeshop!!
I invented the electric cheese grater; (see, you'd buy one of those wouldnt you!?)
I also invented The "brown shades plaster" so people of non-white origin can wear a plaster that isnt just one shade of colour, see that makes bloody good sense!!
i also invented those carrier bag holders in asda and tescos, although mine were a slightly different variation but basically the same idea.
My most recent invention as tv audio selection feeds, IE: when you're watching tv, you can set up your sky box to not bleep out swear words, if there are only over 18's in the household. Also, it works the other way round too, if you have under 18's in the house it automatically bleeps swear words. Its as simple as putting 2 audio feeds out for the same programme, but your box is set up to receive one or the other.
See you can think of great inventions and sit on your fat arse like me and do nothing about ACTUALLY inventing them, and not just thinking about what would make a good product. If i had have got off my fat arse and REALLY made the product i might be rich by now......
WHAT I WOULD LIKE TO LEARN OR ACHIEVE IN LIFE ...?: I want to be a great mum, I'd like to be able to snowboard, but I dont have the cash to learn or go; I'd like to be able to speak dutch - quite cool, rather un-neccesary when everyone speaks english anyway; I'd like to be good at DIY, my house needs a few things doing and I want to be able to fix them myself! I'd love to be able to cook, I dont mean opening a jar of chicken tonight, I mean really cook, I'm a shit cook and i even burn quiche!! In life I'd like to be successful and happy, with a family and a bigger house and a proper garden with at least one tree! I'd also like to be good at photography. When i'm old i want to be "The source of all knowledge" for my grand-kids, old people are cool, especially the barmy ones! lol!
Wednesday Nights - Pub Quiz. 27th October - Blackpool. 3rd November - French Door gets fitted. November - New kitchen gets fitted!!! Somewhere in the middle - a holiday!! Next Year - garden getting it re-paved and decking fitted. May 08 - holiday somewhere HOT!!!
. Jenneigh .