I like all sorts of things. I love film with a passion. I’m a comic collector, I have a passion for politics and love experimenting with new things. I’m the type of person that will try something once, mull over it for a bit, then probably try it again just for good measure. I think because of the writing experience I have tried a lot of things that I probably would not have done under other circumstances.
I'm not sure who I'd like to meet, as far as the romantic thing goes. My luck hasn't bee the greatest. I have a lot of life long female friends, a few that are really close, but nothing that has resulting in a long term romantic relationship.As far as general meeting, I'd like to meet creative people. I want to meet people with energy, drive aqnd determination.
I like all types of music, however I’m a child of the 80’s so my heart lives there. Put on some Depeche Mode, Cure, Smiths or any of the bands from the New Romantics phase and I’m a happy camper. I do love me some funk and can get down with Parliament/ P-Funk.
I’m a Star Wars fan. No way of denying it. I love all the movies. A short list of films I've liked in the past few years would be The Matrix Trilogy, Lord of the Rings Trilogy, V for Vendetta (recent addition), Ghost Dog, Truck Turner, Miracle Mile, Kill Bill, Billy Jack, Excalibur. I also like old 30’s and 40’s war films. I like art style films. One of the films I like that is kind of off of the radar is a film called Until the End of the World.
I’m hooked on The Shield, Alias, Battlestar Galactica and Queer Eye for the Straight Guy. I kind of liked Firefly, loved the Neil Gaimen BBC show Neverwhere. Actually certain Brit TV shows just automatically get on my good list. UFO, The Prisoner and Blake's 7 are just cool Brit shows. Yep, I’m all over the map to some degree.
I'm a comic collector, so I tend to lean toward graphic novels and comics. Just a few are books from the Brit invasion of the 80's, so almost anything from Alan Moore, Neil Gaimen and Grant Morrison, in that order. One guy I've rediscovered, I'm ashamed to say, is Ed Brubaker. I knew Ed when he lived in San Diego. He moved on to become a cool comic writer. I've gotten some of his new stuff and it's fantastic.