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Adam Carroll

Texas Songwriter Born and Raised

About Me

Texas Songwriter Born and Raised

New ADAM CARROLL CD Old Town Rock N Roll
ADAM CARROLL joins the short list of down-home storytellers taking events of ordinary lives and turning them into deeply moving, often humorous songs. Though he's kept a low profile, his past three records have earned him critical acclaim throughout the world.
“The core of what I do is songwriting; it's the one thing I'm passionate about. It's the most fulfilling and challenging job I can imagine."
From his first studio record, South of Town, through Far Away Blues, to his latest release, OLD TOWN ROCK N ROLL, the quality of Adam Carroll’s songwriting never wavers. Adam Carroll is one of those songwriters with a rare command of the English language as well as an amazing sense of melody.
It's little surprise that he's earned enviable comparisons to the likes of Townes Van Zandt, Todd Snider, John Prine, and even Bob Dylan. Like those songwriters, Carroll uses ironic (but heartfelt) humor to leaven his sometimes personal, usually emotional, and always poignant observations.
His upcoming record, Old Town Rock N Roll, hits the shelves in the spring of 2008, and is an intimate tapestry of life on (and off) the road.
"Life can be screwed up," Carroll explaines. "And while I'm not a zippity do dah kind of guy, when I write a song, there's always a kind of redemption in it. I don't know if I have a brighter outlook than anybody else - I get driven crazy by some stuff - but laughing, even when things aren't really funny, keeps me going."
Adam Carroll begins his international tour to support Old Town Rock N Roll in May.

Every so often I'll stumble across an artist that makes me wonder why I'd never listened to him before. I mean, I'd heard of Adam Carroll. People had told me he was good and that I should check him out. But, ya know, sometimes I just don't have room in my life for yet another artist, so I let him slide off my scope for a couple years.

When I saw that he was going to be song-swapping at Casbeers on a Thursday night with one of my favorites, Susan Gibson, I decided it was time to finally catch an Adam Carroll show. By the time it was over, I was so sorry, felt so guilty I hadn't seen this guy sooner, that I bought all three of his records right after the show, and turned him down when he tried to give me a special deal on the three-pack. "I'm sure they're worth the full price," I said.

I was wrong. They are worth far more than that.

Adam Carroll is one of those songwriters with a rare command of the English language as well as an amazing sense of melody. His vocal style and wry wit immediately evoke comparisons with John Prine, but where Prine leans toward more political subject matter, Carroll tends to simply, and somewhat amusedly, report his observations on life.

From his first studio record, South of Town, through Lookin' Out The Screen Door, to his latest release, Far Away Blues, the quality of Adam Carroll's songwriting never wavers. Producer Lloyd Maines worked with Adam on all three albums with the understanding that the song is the thing, not the instrumentation. We have to be able to understand the words to understand the song. Lloyd has made quite a career of letting the artists shine through without any ham-fisted production, and the Adam Carroll recordings are perfect examples of that.

If you're somewhat familiar with Adam Carroll, you may have heard "Sno-Cone Man" or "Ol' Milwaukee's Best," which are fan and radio favorites, but those songs don't do justice to the man's body of work. He is definitely one of the best lyricists we have in Texas and the music he writes complements those words perfectly.

If I may get just a bit technical for a few minutes, I'll ask you to please read through this lyric from "Red Bandanna Blues," the first song on Adam's first record, released in 2000:

Two tie-died brain-fried misfits who lived in a shack in the back of the bois d'arc woods,
A Caddo guy and a Crockett girl worked hard at stayin' stoned as best they could.
Comin' up at night they were high as a Christmas moon.
Comin' down was the fear in the four walls of their room.
'Cause they were two hard core junkies,
They stayed drunker than monkeys,
There were barrels of laughter with no time left to lose.
They had nightmares and needles with the Stones and the Beatles,
They kept all the straight-laced businessmen confused,
And the days went by with the red bandanna blues.

The rhyme scheme in the first line -- "tie-dyed brain-fried" and "shack in the back" -- tips you off that you're in for something special. Down a bit further "comin' up" contrasted with "comin' down," but expanding the phrases beyond their obvious drug connotation shows high-level thought. Juxtaposing the word "monkeys" with the word "barrels" on the next line causes the listener's mind to remember the phrase "more fun barrel full of monkeys," and you know the two subjects of the song were intent on having that much fun. "A Caddo guy and a Crockett girl" and "nightmares and needles" display the use of simple alliteration, but that ear-pleasing technique is often overlooked by other songwriters.

The wonderful thing about Adam Carroll is that I doubt that all these examples were created in his conscious mind. In fact, I'm quite sure that many, if not most, just spilled out onto the paper, and that, perhaps, even now, Adam is not aware these nuggets even exist.

That's genius.

By the way, I didn't scour Adam's catalog to find the above lyric. I chose it only because it is the first verse of the first song on Adam's first record. Many more examples exist. I'll leave it to you to find them as you see Adam's live show or buy his albums. But do that, and be sure to pay full price for the CDs if you buy them at the show.

Have you heard of Adam Carroll, but haven't gotten around to checking him out? Don't make the same mistake I did and get to know him right now: Adam Carroll is one artist worth making room for in your busy musical life.

Steve Circeo
Texas Music Times
"Red Bandanna Blues" © Down Hole Records. All rights reserved.
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New Adam Carroll CD
Old Town Rock N Roll
Available May, 2008

Advance Downloads Here
Lone Star Music

Adam Carroll Featured Artist at Lone Star Music


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Jenni Finlay
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Jenni Finlay Tracking
April 28
Old Town Rock n Roll

Among Top 5 Most Added Record in Americana w/8 New Adds!!
Thank You Jenni!


Propaganda Media Group

Vickie Lucero
1538 W. Hopkins St
San Marcos, TX 78667
PH. 512.535.2286
Email Vickie @ PMG
Propaganda Media Group

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Sounds Like: New Adam Carroll CD
Old Town Rock N Roll
Available May, 2008

Advance Downloads Here
Lone Star Music
Adam Carroll Featured Artist at Lone Star Music


Far Away Blues

Adam Carroll Live

Adam Carroll Live CD on itunes

Lookin' Out the Screen Door

South Of Town

South of Town CD on itunes

Adam Carroll CD's
Far Away Blues
Live at Cheatham Street
South of Town
Lookin' Out the Screen Door




Lone Star Sage of the Everyday: Adam Carroll

While everyone and their grandmother (and her publicist) descend upon Austin this week for SXSW, I thought I'd shine a little light on a terrific local singer/songwriter who's been working that town for the past decade. East Texas troubadour Adam Carroll is a master teller of small stories. Leaving the sweeping Cinemascope epics to other Lone Star crooners, Adam offers quieter Polaroid ruminations on everyday moments. He sings with an unadorned matter-of-factness that gives extra weight to his words and draws you closer to the characters who inhabit them. Listen straight through any of Adam's three fine studio recordings—all produced by local guru Lloyd Maines (father of the Dixie's Chicks' lead vocalist Natalie)—and the wry narratives will begin to intertwine, bringing into stark relief a whole dusty townful of motel inhabitants, bartenders, chain-smoking taxi drivers and ex-girlfriends that will linger with you well after the music stops.

Kudo's for Adam Carroll from Terri Hendrix

Pens Eye View -
"What other artist right now should people be watching out for?"
Terri Hendrix - "Adam Carroll…a poet…as is Sam Baker."

Kudo's for Adam Carroll from Robert Earl Keen

Charleston Post and Courier:
Have you heard any new artists recently that knocked you out?

Robert Earl Keen: "I'm not a music maven, so I can't really say who's good and who's bad. I know a few people that I think are underrated. There's a guy named Adam Carroll that I've known for two or three years, and he writes some really clever, almost John Prine-like songs, and then he writes some just beautiful (descriptions) of things that happen in Texas."

Linda Ray
No Depression Magazine

"Adam Carroll might be peddling short stories to the New Yorker today had he not fallen into a rock n' roll fantasy, namely the notion that he could get girls with a guitar. He's not saying if it worked, but literature's loss is music's gain. Carroll's keen observations of the commonplace yield characters as familiar as the next cab driver, or the guy slinging suds in the coffee shop kitchen. With marvelous economy, the former student of poetry and creative writing imparts a vital sense of character and motivation, like, say, Faulkner or Steinbeck, or, for that matter, Guy Clark."

Review at
"Far Away Blues", Adam Carroll's third studio album, showcases the idiosyncratic songwriting style that has endeared Adam to fans and critics alike and has earned him comparisons to folks like John Prine, Todd Snider and Townes Van Zandt. Lloyd Maines' production retains the intimacy of Adam's previous albums while filling the sound out significantly Ray Wylie Hubbard lends his pen and voice to the cause by co-writing and singing on "Last Day of Grace". Find out what folks in Texas have been learning for the last few years-Adam Carroll is the real deal!

Michael Corcoran
Austin American Statesman

"Carroll looks to be the latest great Texas songwriter to graduate from Townes Van Zandt State...John Prine with a big dose of Butch Hancock."

Adam Carroll with Scrappy Jud Newcomb live at Peticantus/Huis Verloren in Hoorn April 18 2007

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Type of Label: Indie

My Blog

New Website, New CD Available for Download, New Song Posted

New Adam Carroll Website Launched Sign Up Here for the Adam Carroll Newsletter New Adam Carroll CDOld Town Rock N RollAvailable May, 2008 Advance Downloads of Old Town Rock N Roll...
Posted by Adam Carroll on Tue, 22 Apr 2008 12:39:00 PST

Texas Music Times Reviews Adam Carroll

Texas Music Times article Adam Carroll: Slow Burnby Steve Circeo I sat down with Adam Carroll after a weeknight show at Gruene Hall. It had been one of those small acoustic shows in the bar area, and ...
Posted by Adam Carroll on Wed, 19 Mar 2008 11:44:00 PST


ADAM CARROLL DOWNLOADS NOW AVAILABLE ON ITUNES Adam Carroll CD Lookin Out The Screen Door Search iTunes Store at: Direct link:
Posted by Adam Carroll on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 04:15:00 PST

All Adam Carroll CD's and T-Shirts Now Available @ LONESTAR MUSIC.COM!

LONESTAR MUSICAll Adam Carroll CD's and T-Shirts Now Available! Far Away Blues Live at Cheatham Street South of Town Lookin' Out the Screen Door
Posted by Adam Carroll on Thu, 05 Oct 2006 03:54:00 PST

Live Recording of Adam Carroll in Europe at

Live Recording of Adam Carroll and Scrappy Jud Newcomb in Europe at Thanks to Tim in the Netherlands for sending that link!!  Here's Tim's MySpace profile:  ...
Posted by Adam Carroll on Sun, 23 Jul 2006 01:22:00 PST

Adam Carroll, Scrappy Jud Newcomb and Hayes Carll - Holland Video Link

Click for A video of Hayes Carll and I in Holland on Google video. ...
Posted by Adam Carroll on Tue, 16 May 2006 09:31:00 PST