Desposyni profile picture


Piss down my back and tell me it's raining.

About Me

You can't spell Charlotte without the harlot.
I should come with a disclaimer. I owe at least that to humanity.
I don't change, I evolve. I do this frequently.
My biggest passion is gay rights.
You can find me buried in fiction.
I oft find comfort in chaos.
I am the new cancer. Hundreds infected to date.
Green is good. I kick grass.
I love IKSSE:3 but I hate soup.
More straightedge than you. And your mom. And your damn dog.
Monochromatics make me happy.
Sneezing is satisfying.
I will never be a screamer.
Don't honk at me unless you know me.
The only thing I love more than sleep is hot water. Ooooh damn.
Happiness is black argyle and acoustic guitars.
Portland was my first true love.
I am not a slave to a god that doesn't exist.
High school doesn't suit me, I'm in college now.
Dyslexia of the mouth.
Vote Democrat. Better yet, vote Independent.
I hug trees. And animals, too. Not to mention queers.
Give me minds, I will mold them. Give me strength, I'll give you wings.
My memory is SHIT. And I don't even smoke pot.
I fantasize often, and sometimes such disturbing fantasies invade my dreams.
We call those nightmares.
André the Giant has a posse.
The only labels I like are those that produce good music.
Whether or not they support music piracy is their problem.
I put the BITCH in BITCH. No, I didn't mispell.
What friends I have, I strongly value. Probably more than you.
Let's not talk about middle school, 'kay?
Allergic to cigarettes. And the color orange.
My thrift stores are better than your department store.
I find sleeping to be a worthwhile activity.
Pop Rock makes me nauseous. Why don't you just drop dead?
Survival is my number one skill. Then comes writing.
I have short-term memory loss, long term nostalgia.
It's all about the vocals, baby.
Being random strikes my fancy.
I am an artist. I sketch, draw, paint, write, and dream.
You wish you could write like I do.
I'm sixteen and going to college, bitch.
I wear both boxers and fishnets, though separately.
Music is the only mind-altering substance in my system.
Sarcasm is one of my closest friends.
I frequently find myself working with children.
My pet peeves include ignorance and immaturity.
I'm the kind of human wreckage that you love.
Try walking in my shoes. You'll stumble in my footsteps.
I am optimistic and outgoing.
Will you be my safe home?
Talk to me.
AOL: cicatriced
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

of secrets which was
previously thought to be a
devout believer

I'd like to meet:

I am jet black. I am stone cold.

Oh. And there's this girl, she wears a lot of pink.
I'd like to get to know her better.
I mean this more than ever.


What I'm listening to:




I am my own hero, motherfuckers.

My Blog

Kein Mehrheit Für Die Mitleid.

ONE.-Spell your name without vowels--ChrlttTWO.-Are you single?--NoTHREE.-Whats your favorite number?--14F0UR.-Whats your favorite color?--I don't know.FIVE.-Whens the next time you see your crush?--m...
Posted by Desposyni on Mon, 23 Oct 2006 07:38:00 PST


If you go over 45, you're a bad influence. If you go under 10, chances are you live under a rock and have no life.1. smoked2. consumed alcohol3. slept in the same bed with someone of the opposite sex4...
Posted by Desposyni on Sun, 15 Oct 2006 06:56:00 PST

50 < 2 x 25 < 5 x 5.... Too much Didenko.

1. Have you ever just sat in the bath tub for like half an hour after the water drained out?I bathe while remaining in a vertical position.2. Do you dance in the rain on a regular basis?Not regularly,...
Posted by Desposyni on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 01:28:00 PST


A - AVAILABLE: Readily. But not especially easily.B - BIRTHDAY: June 23rd.C - CRAVING RIGHT NOW: Sleep. And ooh, a brownie.D - DOG'S NAME(S): We have three.E - EASIEST PERSON TO TALK TO: Jesus.F - FAV...
Posted by Desposyni on Fri, 22 Sep 2006 12:09:00 PST

Not Mia Safe.

Posted by Desposyni on Wed, 20 Sep 2006 04:19:00 PST


I AM: completely wiped out.I WANT: to go to bed soon.I HAVE: hunger pangs.I HATE: time zones.I MISS: Portland.I HEAR: Panic! On The Streets of London.I REGRET: spending that $20 so fast.I LOVE: my new...
Posted by Desposyni on Fri, 08 Sep 2006 01:24:00 PST


Proof that Indiana is flat. Sort of.
Posted by Desposyni on Sun, 03 Sep 2006 09:57:00 PST

Shuffle that iPod.

INSTRUCTIONS1. Put your music player on shuffle.2. Press forward for each question.3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesn't make sense. NO CHEATING!How are you feeling to...
Posted by Desposyni on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 09:06:00 PST

Shine, pretty baby.

Take care of your last days of summer. They can be the very best or the very worst.(This is unoriginal.)
Posted by Desposyni on Thu, 24 Aug 2006 05:20:00 PST

The Rising Tied.

Just something for you to think about, maybe, if you're even seeing this.Off to Indy tomorrow. ♥...
Posted by Desposyni on Sat, 19 Aug 2006 11:53:00 PST