Anne profile picture


I'm packing you a extra pair of shoes, and your angry eyes- Toy Story 2

About Me

Hey I'm Anne I go to college here in Portland. I work at a brewry and it's awesome...i love it. In my spare time i hang out with friends, hike through the Gorge, and I sleep a lot. I also really like to eat food. My AIM is, "Anbanana4" PUT YOUR ABOUT ME SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profile

YWAM Perth Base Life

Charlie bit my finger - again !

My Interests

People, longboarding, MUSIC, guitar, food, friends, love, life, Jesus, good times, photography, traveling, portland, Seattle, and Rod Lavers

I'd like to meet:

Patrick Dempsey, John Corbett, and YOU! PUT YOUR I'D LIKE TO MEET SECTION HERE! Changes may take up to 2 mins to show on your profileView All Friends | View Blog | Add Comment


SWITCHFOOT, DC talk, SHAWN MCDONALD, Dispatch, story side:b, JEM, U2, the afters, mos def, copland, JOHNNY CASH, ray charles, third day, sublime, three days grace, counting crows, everclear, seventh day slumber, red hot chilie peppers, mars volta, the shins, bob marley, radio head, Wilco, Death cab for cutie, nivana, violent femmes, cake, beck, Norah Jones, simon&garfunkle, al green, Bob Dlyan, dashboard confessionals, KANYE WEST, JOHN CORBETT BAND, tegan & sarah, MATISYAHU, THE FRAY, SNOW PATROL, rascal flatts, tracy chapman, james taylor, ELLIOTT SMITH, Damien Rice, coldplay, matt costa, sufjan stevens, Roots tonic, AC DC, Led zepplin, tool, some classical and.... ummm i basiclly like everything except the thrown me down annoying country


i wasnt going to write them all, but o well. ok...pulp fiction, resivor dogs, napoleon dynamite, kill bill 1&; 2, sin city, ocean's 11/12/13, riding giants, luther, donny darko, hitch, miss congeniality, sixteen candles, sandlot, finding neverland, little miss sunshine, half nelson, hotel rewanda, crash, garden state, rumor has it, Prime, loose change, bigger than the sky... and like a million other movies.....


Well... Malcom in the middle, friends, that 70's show, everwood, GREYS ANATOMEY, Sex and the city, amazing race, Fast Inc. ellen degereres show, CONAN O'brian, leno, SNL, the daily show, recesse....ect....


My upmost for His highest. blue like jazz, some hemingway, bible


Conan O'brien

My Blog

Les Miserables

So my english class is reading les miserables and there is this passage in the book that just was beautiful to me... so here it is......   He was there alone with himself, collected, tranquil, ad...
Posted by Anne on Wed, 12 Apr 2006 02:27:00 PST

this week... is just not my week

This first week of spring break has just SUUUUCKED! First off, we had to put my cat down that i have had for like 15 years... and i cried for like 3 days. he was my bud, and i miss him horribly. ...
Posted by Anne on Wed, 29 Mar 2006 11:23:00 PST

my 18th suprise birthday party photos

Sooo yeah. i had my 18th suprise party this last saturday. it was super fly fun.there were a butt load of people there. i felt so loved. im not going to caption the pictures...because im lazy. so...
Posted by Anne on Wed, 15 Mar 2006 02:43:00 PST

my tattoo experience

sooooooo yeah i got my tattoo on tuesday march 7th.(my birthday!) and yeah. whenever people ask to see it, they always ask first...did it hurt?. Yeah it hurt. like something poking you/pinching you re...
Posted by Anne on Thu, 09 Mar 2006 11:15:00 PST

My Accident

So as some of you know, on saturday i got in a accident. yeeaah. it wasn't too bad, but it was still bad. soo here's what happened.... Me and amber were driving to clackamas mall. and we were on Sunny...
Posted by Anne on Tue, 13 Dec 2005 09:45:00 PST

Switchfoot re-cap

Ok, so on friday me and stacee went to switchfoot. IT WAS AMAZING. so i picked her up at like 2:30 ish, and as she got in the car, switchfoot was on the radio on 105.1 the buzz. they were talking abou...
Posted by Anne on Mon, 24 Oct 2005 12:54:00 PST


So lately i have been thinking A LOT about college and where i want to go with my life... and might i add before i start, that when i think it never really leads to anything good. so........ this...
Posted by Anne on Wed, 12 Oct 2005 09:57:00 PST

i got my job back

so as some of you know i got laid off like 2 months ago from my job. business was really slow, and so they didnt have enoguh money to pay me. so i was worried about money and everything... i mean i ha...
Posted by Anne on Fri, 30 Sep 2005 05:23:00 PST

my school... and how ppl piss me off about it

Ok, so as some of you know my school is a little weird. for those of you who dont know... let me inform you.  i go to a private christian school. it's half school,half home school. so i go to sch...
Posted by Anne on Wed, 21 Sep 2005 09:53:00 PST

500 questions... seriously

500 Questions...Sorta. Alright so here is 500 questions, answered by me. sorry if they dont make sense...~About Me~001. What is your name? Anne 002. Spell your name backwards? enna 003. Date of birth...
Posted by Anne on Sun, 14 Aug 2005 09:26:00 PST