art, acting, filmmaking, LLListening to music, singing, dancing, reading, cooking, baking, traveling, taking photographs, fashion, painting, visiting friends and family, sculpture, architecture, editing mini videos, watching films/documentaries, philosophy, history, Big Sur, Kerouac, Edgar Cayce, numerology, reiki, ufOOO theories, different dimensions, time travel, writing poetry, sacred geometry, bellydance, flamenco, interior design/ decoration, karaoke, VVVolleyball, kundalini yoga, massages, camping, hiking, boating, swimming, meditating, etc. etc. etc. I love going to beaches, lakes, rivers, amusement parks, fairs, festivals, carnivals, concerts.....I am open- minded, and life is an EEEternal lesson....I am constantly expanding my universe with new ideas, experiences, people, and places...a little here, a little there. I am molding my reality.
I love all kinds of music. I especially love the drums, guitar, bass, piano, wooden flute, and the eukelele.
Right now I am reading Respect for Acting by Uta Hagen.