Quand on n'a pas ce qu'on aime, il faut aimer ce qu'on a.
.. ..
Internet Sport Musik Friends Dvd
Marvin: Je mes amis
Rockmusik , Hip-Hop, Charts, R&;B
21 Gramm- Evolution- eXistenZ- Cube- Donnie Darko- Aliens- the 9th Gate- Fear and loathing in Las Vegas- Sin City-Saving private Ryan- Suicide Kings- Gods Army- Event Horizon- Butterfly Effect- American Beauty- Dawn of the dead- Jeepers Creepers-
Scrubs-The Office- Monk-Seinfeld -The OC - Arrested Development- Entourage- Curb Your Enthusiasm- Sports- Comedy Central
Everything by Jean-Christoph Grange - King's "the dark tower Saga"- Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy
Arnold lol