Jennifer profile picture


You better know she's a genius and a Venus

About Me

Very bad at time signatures.

My Interests

CBC. I love you CBC.

I'd like to meet:

Not your band. Seriously. Go away.


My friends' bands. String quartets. My friends' string quartets.


Japanese horror movies. Japanese whore movies.


My show can beat up your show.


Have you read my latest work? It highlights, amongst other things, a novel fast approximation algorithm for simulated annealing-based graph layout. I also enjoy a good colouring book every now and then.


Indiana Jones.

My Blog

Disocvery Channel

I rarely bother with these blog things and I generally erase them  at some indeterminate date after their genesis, but I just thought you all might like to know that I HAVE BEEN HANGING OUT WITH ...
Posted by Jennifer on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:13:00 PST