Nakat profile picture


"One Scotch, one Bourbon, one Beer"

About Me

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My Interests


Danko Jones, The Bronx, QOTSA, Hatebreed, The Dirtbombs, Kyuss, The Ramones, The Specials, Refused, At The Drive-In, Beatles, Tokyo Ska Para, Rancid, Mondo Generator, Wu Tang-Clan, Tijuana Brooks, Thee Michelle Gun Elephant, Motosierra, Skarhead, Jaco Pastorius, Sam Cooke, Al Green(The Voice), Beastie Boys,Electric Frankenstein, Janis Joplin, Dreams Warriors(my definition), Johny Cash, Pe' z, RATM, Sepultura, Charlie Parker, Rocky


Cidade De Deu,Shichinin no Samurai,Kids Return,Monster,Taxi Driver, Spinal Tap,Black Cat White Cat,Old Boy,Lady Vengance,Les Tontons Flingeurs,Bad Taste,Mississippi Burning,The Godfather, Fargo,Fear & Loathing in Las Vegas,The Goodfellas,...


James Ellroy, G.Orwell,Russel Banks, Ryu Murakami, P.K Dick, H.P Lovecraft, Truman Capote, Tolkien, F.G Lorca, William Faulkner, Howard Buten, John King,...


Me,Myself...,and I