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Da Teacher

Da Teacher a.k.a Shadow

About Me

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My Interests

Reading, writing short stories and of course poetry, watching movies, surfing the net, chatting with friends online and meeting new people on partyline, listening to music, dancing, designing webpages, cards, board games and dominoes, hangin out with my kids, studying astrology and giving my friends free tarot card readings by yours truly.

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Rap, Hip Hop, Freestyle, Slow Jamz, House and Dancehall, Reggaeton
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my all time favorite is "Big" with Tom Hankslove romantic comedies, dig horror, like action, but prefer suspense thrillers!


gotta love that reality tv, the Weather channel (school closings?)of course the Food Network cuz I love! to cook and Im damn good at it tooCourt tv and the Discovery and History channels (teacher thing, ya know lol)cop shows,crime solving shows, The Bachelor (wonder why? DUH thats a given) ER, The O.C., Tyra Banks, Ellen Degeneres, and yes Oprahcartoons on Saturday mornings with my youngest soncreature double feature movie classicsLifetime, and The Hallmark channel for great movies!


Im a very avid reader and enjoy all genres of books but my personal favorites are those written by Stephen KingThe BIBLE is a book I recommend to everyone as a "must-read" (nuff said)


My Dad (RIP) I'll always love u daddy and I'm still ur princessMy NANA (RIP) love u miss u like crazy u were my rock!!!My kids (for putting up with me all these years)