We try øur persønal best tø røck peøples' søcks øff!! And when they're nøt wearing any, it is a sad fate indeed, før their feet are the first tø gø. And if they are lacking in feet then it is their knees they løøse... And if they have nø knees, be sure it is their butts that get røcked øff. And if they alsø have nø butts...they are just a tørsø and head, and peøple make fun øf them. -But they have sømething møst døn't... They have ØUR music. And even thøugh peøple make fun øf they're buttømless bødies, they can always find cømført in søme garage band frøm TN. Yes.... And høpe is rekindled.
The people we love
Chad Lehl
Abbe Lewis Music
The Lewis Sisters
Callie and Phoebe Cryar
Graphic Nüdel
Jenn Franklin
My Immortal Self
Unnatural Alliance
When A Kiss Becomes A Scar
Eclectic Music LTD
The Billy Goat Gang
Layout by CoolChaser