people are very interesting. so is the sky. when i was little i used to wonder where the stars went during the day. music melody and rhythm. writing, thinking, smiling winking. numbers and colors. to me numbers are colors. 2 is blue 5 is red and 7 is yellow. i dont know why but perhaps you do. .
people and animals, spirits and aliens and maybe even a dinosaur....see you at the party. this fun personal art project involves my illustrations in two series. the friends and figures series and the flowers and feathers series. the friends and figures series depicts a few of the talented, influential, interesting or just plain rad characters that adventure here in LA. the flowers and feathers series is more of an artistic whimsical and symbolic portrayal of plant and animal themes. all illustrations are hand drawn in pencil, colored pencil or oil pastel.for inquiries on personalized/commisioned pieces, prints, collaberation, representation, shows, plans to rule the world etc. hit me up here or call me. 323 317 2214
...............some of the music in my headphones when i draw- pinback, the coral sea, air, radiohead, the shins, elliott smith, ofer, stereolab, joyzipper, postal service, case study, deathcab, of monteal, iron and wine and much more.
Your Life... and we are all movie extrassee my new pieces in the early phase of the modern royalty project
-tv??? i dont watch other peoples ficticious stories cause i'd rather live my fantasy-----past showings/exhibitions-----o-bar - union tuesdays---- the bar - (sunset and bronson) down the rabbit hole sundays- cinespace- deviant art launch party--- marvimon house- zerate experience--- hear gallery- october artist cinespace- deviant art/ bt movie screening marvimon house- baby's all grown up prey- new years nation party
id like to make a book someday, perhaps a collection of art with some thoughts and photos and poems... or perhaps a nice childrens book.... hmmm... stay tuned
my fellow visionaries... past, present and future... plants and animals too.the pita foundation has asked me to come on board with thier fantastic foundation. this means that your donation or even payment/purchase (if you choose) for your commissioned piece is tax deductible.