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'He who binds himself to a joy/ Does the winged life destroy;/ But he who kisses the joy as it flies

About Me

I am a student attending the University of Nevada, Reno. I just graduated with a bachelor's degree in History and a minor in Archaeology. I am now in the History Masters Program at UNR and I will eventually pursue my doctorate. My main emphasis is in Pre-Colombian and Colonial Latin American History and Holy War in Medieval Civilization. I have been working at an engineering firm for the past three years. I love to travel and encounter new cultures and experiences. I come from a strong military background, I'm extremely pro-military and support our troops 100%. Want to know more? Just ask....
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Your Five Factor Personality Profile
You have medium extroversion.
You're not the life of the party, but you do show up for the party.
Sometimes you are full of energy and open to new social experiences.
But you also need to hibernate and enjoy your "down time."
You have high conscientiousness.
Intelligent and reliable, you tend to succeed in life.
Most things in your life are organized and planned well.
But you borderline on being a total perfectionist.
You have low agreeableness.
Your self interest comes first, and others come later, if at all.
In general, you feel that people are not to be trusted.
And you're skeptical that anyone else really feels differently.
You have high neuroticism.
It's easy for you to feel shaken, worried, or depressed.
You often worry, and your worries prevent you from living life fully.
You tend to be emotionally reactive and moody. Your either flying very high or feeling very low.
Openness to experience:
Your openness to new experiences is high.
In life, you tend to be an early adopter of all new things and ideas.
You'll try almost anything interesting, and you're constantly pushing your own limits.
A great connoisseir of art and beauty, you can find the positive side of almost anything. The Five Factor Personality Test
You Have a Melancholic Temperament
Introspective and reflective, you think about everything and anything.
You are a soft-hearted daydreamer. You long for your ideal life.
You love silence and solitude. Everyday life is usually too chaotic for you.
Given enough time alone, it's easy for you to find inner peace.
You tend to be spiritual, having found your own meaning of life.
Wise and patient, you can help people through difficult times.
At your worst, you brood and sulk. Your negative thoughts can trap you.
You are reserved and withdrawn. This makes it hard to connect to others.
You tend to over think small things, making decisions difficult. What Temperment Are You?BOY, I BET EVERYONE WANTS TO BE MY FRIEND NOW! LOL

My Interests

History, reading, playing guitar, outdoor activities, watching movies, racing (F1, NASCAR and Sprint) and hanging out with my friends (which happens all too rarely nowadays).
Your Scholastic Strength Is Deep Thinking
You aren't afraid to delve head first into a difficult subject, with mastery as your goal.
You are talented at adapting, motivating others, managing resources, and analyzing risk.

You should major in:

You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy)
You're a great thinker and a true philosopher.
You'd make a talented professor or writer. What Advanced Degree Should You Get?YAY! THAT'S WHAT I'M GOING FOR!
You Belong in Dublin
Friendly and down to earth, you want to enjoy Europe without snobbery or pretensions.
You're the perfect person to go wild on a pub crawl... or enjoy a quiet bike ride through the old part of town. What European City Do You Belong In?

I'd like to meet:

Anyone who fate throws in my pathway. All of us are learners and teachers.


Just about everything: Alternative, rock, hard core, punk, folk- anything that is poignant. Favorite bands: The Ataris, Shogun, Shortie, The Hope Conspiracy, HIM, Jimmy Eat World, The Used, etc.
You Are an Emo Rocker!
Expressive and deep, lyrics are really your thing.
That doesn't mean you don't rock out...
You just rock out with meaning.
For you, rock is more about connecting than grandstanding. What Kind of Rocker Are You?


Too many to list! Feel-good movies are great when you're complacent, scary movies are great when you wanna get close to your man, action/thriller movies are great- well, all the time. Life is like murder.... you can fantasize all you want, but you'd never actually commit the taboo (right?). Movies are America's way of applying this philosophy. Sometimes I come home from a hard day and I like to just put on some Jurassic Park; there is nothing that makes me feel better than seeing a bunch of pompous, egotistical jerks getting eaten by their own creations. It's called a cruel irony!!! :)
The Movie Of Your Life Is Film Noir
So what if you're a little nihilistic at times?
Life with meaning is highly over-rated.
Your best movie matches: Sin City, L. A. Confidential, Blade Runner If Your Life Was a Movie, What Genre Would It Be?
You Are Rogue
You're reluctantly special. In fact, you long to be normal.
You consider your powers to be a curse, and something you can't control.
Powers: absorbing other people's memories and abilities, weakening and killing people with your touch Which of the X-Men Are You?THAT FIGURES!!!


Not that I get to watch much, but I like the Simpsons and the Family Guy. And yes, like most chicks I love Sex and the City. What Sex And The City Character Are You?
You are Miranda! Stubborn and opinionated, but great at heart, you want a man who will accept you for you and let you lead your own life - you need space!
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I have over 400 of them! I also have a database to catalog them. I know I'm a nerd, but the literary works are so important to enlightening the senses. My favorite author is a historical fiction writer (for the most part) named Jean Plaidy. My favorite poet is Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
You Should Learn French
C'est super! You appreciate the finer things in life... wine, art, cheese, love affairs.
You are definitely a Parisian at heart. You just need your tongue to catch up... What Language Should You Learn?


Those who sacrifice their time, efforts, and sometimes even their lives in order to help make the world a brighter place and give a humanity a hand.My brother-in-law SPC Mike Hardiman.Overcome

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My Blog

You won't believe this!

Ok. So I took one of my company vehicles for maintenance yesterday. The garage is approximately 8-9 miles from my place of work. I stopped twice (once to grab a key and once to get gas) before reachin...
Posted by Deanna on Fri, 17 Nov 2006 07:33:00 PST

I got tagged...

RULES: each player of this game starts off with "6 weird things/habits about yourself." People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 6 weird things/habits as well as state this rule clearly...
Posted by Deanna on Tue, 31 Oct 2006 06:45:00 PST


You know, you meet these people who tell you they will never hurt you, who pretend to be horrified by what you've been through and what other people have done to you. They coo you and tell you it will...
Posted by Deanna on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 09:26:00 PST

The Worst Day of My Life

The worst day of my life Was when you left me there... I'd given all my affection to you For others there was none to spare. The worst thing that you could have done Was tell me such mean lies To negl...
Posted by Deanna on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 07:48:00 PST

Ophelia and the Water

Oh to be in limbo! All beginning with a dive Drowning lamented tears of woe As ascending above life.   The murky blue is daunting As the darkness deeper grows Feeling mortality slipping As the as...
Posted by Deanna on Sun, 08 Oct 2006 07:39:00 PST


I'm ecstatic right now, and I know I should feel guilty but why? Honestly, someone who has tried to ruin every aspect of my life for the past 2 years is hurt and I had nothing to do with bringing it a...
Posted by Deanna on Sat, 30 Sep 2006 06:55:00 PST

Single With A Side of Celibacy.

So being away from Reno really gave me some time to reflect on my life and how unsatisfied I have been here. I have decided that after this year I'm leaving. I'm currently looking into other grad scho...
Posted by Deanna on Wed, 27 Sep 2006 05:11:00 PST

Why Deanna doesn't date much...

Ok. I know some of you worry about me being so reclusive and not allowing myself to get close to people. I'm hoping that this story will help you to understand part of it, without being too serious. T...
Posted by Deanna on Sun, 17 Sep 2006 09:52:00 PST

Revelations of the Green Room.

Here we go again. What constitutes a date? If you meet up with someone for drinks? Someone who you met first on St. Patty's Day when you got your heart broken, who you've been writing on mys...
Posted by Deanna on Thu, 14 Sep 2006 12:46:00 PST

Why Deanna doesn't go to a certain gas station...

Alright- I know that being some blonde with a cute little convertible tends to attract some attention. However, there are some times I would prefer not to have it. Pros: It goes 0-60 in 5.4 maybe...
Posted by Deanna on Wed, 13 Sep 2006 10:38:00 PST