cooking, MUSIC, sleeping, MUSIC, singing, MUSIC, mag sulat, MUSIC, surfing d' web (funny how much information we can get thru d internet no??), MUSIC, d2 lng tlga sa harap ng computer most of the time (probably not chatting), ei w8! did i mention MUSIC already???
I want to meet someone who's reliable to be a frend, someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words..
old skul ---------------- Ska, Soul, Rnb, Acoustic, Standard......
The hills have eyes, Silent hill, Platoon, The amityville, city of angels, Last of the mohicans, Lord of the rings, Swordfish, Rat race, Jersey girl, Honey, Cruel intentions....
Scare Tactics, Spongebob, Reality tv, F, Courage, Tech tv, Art attack, Cheaters, MTV Pimp my ride & Cribs, Amazing race, Survivor...
Jose Rizal