Stuck Lucky profile picture

Stuck Lucky

You know I gotta support my homeboy Grave Digger!

About Me

Hi. We are five guys who enjoy playing birthday parties, shacks, hovels, back yards, and the occasional venue. Come to a show and let us scream, sweat, and maybe fall on top of you. When not on tour, we pass the time by sitting on our front porch chatting with the neighborhood horse tranquilizer dealer, who knows he can always stop by our house for a cool, refreshing glass of tea before getting back to the old beaten path, though he knows he will never get us to buy any because it's stupid. Hey kids, stop doing special k. It will stunt your growth. Up the punx by volunteering for the Red Cross or something, not by doing the drugs. We are also connoisseurs of fine snack foods, so if you want to trade some for merch...
ATTN: We know it's hard saving up those paychecks from the ten hours you work at the local TCBY every week and then having to turn around and buy all that product to tease your hair with in order to impress the ladies, but please consider purchasing "We Never Sleep" a split 12" with our pals Arm The Poor. Check it out at, where you can pick up our ever popular CD "Hate The Light Of Day". Ladies need not be afraid to purchase either, just ask your dad for the money before going to watch your boyfriend play in his screamo band and perform songs about making out with corpses and tweens.
Go to Interpunk and throw us some change!

My Interests


Member Since: 11/14/2004
Band Website: is sort of defunct!
Band Members: Jonzee-vocals
Brody-dog/public relations/agent
Name Pending...-van
Influences: As of 6:25 PM, May 12th, 2008: scabies, Brody's dry skin, sparkling punch, geckos, Guitar Wolf, Skip (The Offbeats) and Lee doing Aderall and drinking while listening to F.Y.P. records at five in the morning, TK-421, marinating stuff, mysterious bruises, hot water cornbread, Teen Idols, punk rock breakfast w/ Elvis Abe, food stamps; EBT, organic ginger ale, Cody from The Fad, Hobbit Crew, the golden mean, Will cooking stuff and leaving it in the fridge for other people to eat because he is scared of gaining weight, the lack of swoosh haircuts in the band, fat dudes with swoosh cuts, Matt's tatz, GODLESS NORTH (fuck life metal), two steppin', Castlevania, The Clone Wars, Tales From The Crypt seasons 1-4, Midnight Star, blood boogers, The Sand Bomber, monosodium glutimate, Junior Senior, "hey ghost, fuck you", Freaks and Geeks, Andy's one liners, pitas, moving to Thrashville, Jenga, cuddling with air, overpriced pizza, the ascension of Warsteed into the demonic legion for exemplary deeds on earth, The Pipettes, October 31st, the ghost of the Syphallatic Death Machine, Potshot, Jonzee's ability to eat anything if it is covered in ranch dressing.

Some of us don't sleep while the others make up for it by over-sleeping. Oh...teenage mutant ninja turtles and ghostbusters in a fight: who'd win? Do Betas live forever?!? Mine...8 yrs. Why isn't the moon closer so i can hug it? I keep losing my pin number. i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate i hate animals do not need your special attention...(sigh)...Will someone do the goddamn dishes?!?"El Vampiro" in Auburn, AL!More live stuff from Tyler Apocalypse!Apocalypse Productions, brah! Yep.
Sounds Like: can't unfry things. Sometimes you can't make that onion ring turn back to golden brown...
Record Label: a huge one...friggin' fucken' huge.
Type of Label: None

My Blog

Community Records Stuff and Other Ramblings.

What do cannibals order at McDonalds? Anybody? THE KIDS MEAL!!! AHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAHAHA! Okay, now that that's out of the way, let talk bizness. The Community Records Tour will be underway in a month an...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Thu, 15 May 2008 12:58:00 PST

Come Celebrate Mother’s Day With Us!

Please come out this Sunday and celebrate Mother's Day with us at The Muse. We will be playing with our pals The Kodiaks (trad. ska/Irish folk punk from KY), We Are The Union (ska/punk from MI), and R...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Sun, 04 May 2008 11:56:00 PST

News For You

-Although we have parted ways with Glenn, we will still be playing all of our scheduled shows. Our friend Ivan from Dawn will be filling in on May 11th and for the Community Records tour. A few shows ...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Sun, 27 Apr 2008 01:22:00 PST

Goodbye, Glenn

After three and a half years, Glenn has decided to leave the band. Playing with us has complicated other things in his life that we all felt needed to be taken care of first, so this departure is in n...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Wed, 23 Apr 2008 07:24:00 PST

Community Records Tour This Summer!

We’re going out for a little jaunt this summer with our pals Fatter Than Albert, We Are The Union, and others. Check out these dates:June 21 - Saturday Atlanta - w/ WATUJune 22 - Sunday Columbia...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Fri, 28 Mar 2008 08:24:00 PST

Knews March 2008

Thanks to everyone who came out last night to see World/Inferno Friendship Society! They had a wonderful time and will definitely be back for another show, hopefully sometime later this year. Everyone...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Fri, 21 Mar 2008 05:47:00 PST

Free downloads at!

Yep. Go to to download the new Public Access EP for free. With a donation of $4 or more, you will receive some goodies in the mail. You can also download "Hate The Light Of Day" a...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Fri, 15 Feb 2008 08:05:00 PST

Online store and Will’s old fashioned mail-order!

'Tis true. We finally got our first album repressed and shipped off to our friends at Pick it up for a cool $7.25, if you would. It comes with a delightful fold out poster and an audio ...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Fri, 01 Feb 2008 10:47:00 PST orders

The "We Never Sleep" split with Arm The Poor is back online for sale at "Hate The Light Of Day" will be available in the upcoming week; thanks to those of you whom we don't see on a reg...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Fri, 25 Jan 2008 11:00:00 PST

Community Records

Check out Our friend Greg from Fatter Than Albert has started an artist collective which will soon start releasing material for download and, eventually, hard materials like viny...
Posted by Stuck Lucky on Fri, 18 Jan 2008 08:37:00 PST