Andy profile picture


I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I like surfing, building things, and playing music. Oh, and smart people, I like smart people (I should add conscientious (sp?))!One of these days I'll get myself a house near a surfbreak, one in which I can also play drums in the basement, at which point the forces of good will align and I will ascend into heaven on a golden surfboard. Wait, I think I could go to Costa Rica right now and pull this off! Yeah, but then I'd have to leave everybody I know behind, and I'd have nobody to jam with. I don't think the Pitch would get too many gigs down there either. Oh well. I did find a Wahoo's Fish Tacos down there though! I should probably do it.

My Interests

Playing music on whatever instrument I can get my hands on, surfing, snowboarding... But, if I had to choose between a double-overhead swell at the Cove and fresh powder at Mammoth, I'd probably go to the Cove.

I'd like to meet:

People who rock! A girl who wears glasses instead of contacts. Glasses are hot!


The list goes on and on... I don't like Bela Fleck or Dream Theater or modern "country"


Movies are cool. I like comedies and weird stuff like Charlie Kaufmann movies and David Lynch, for example.


"Television, drug of the nation, breeding ignorance, and feeding radiation..." Name that quote and I'll give you a dollar!


Linear Systems, Fourier Transforms, and Optics, Surfer's Journal, mostly. Fiction takes too long to read.


Greg Graffin, The Edge, Kevin Harp (just kidding)