sleeping outdoors, reading magazines, reading books, photography, anthropology, mythology and psychology.. trains, planes, automobiles, boats, bikes, camels and horses... getting to learn someone elses secrets, and getting to tell them yours... staying up late and sleeping in... Oh, and I like taking pictures, although admittedly I don't take them like I used to... Anwyay, the ones below are some of my favorites from years past. Disfruta!
i guess i'd like to meet anyone that can tell me something i didn't already know. or make me laugh. bring it...THE VIDEO BELOW IS LONG, I KNOW.. BUT IF YOU WATCH IT I PROMISE IT WILL CHANGE THE WAY YOU SEE THIS COUNTRY. LOOSE CHANGE by Dylan Avery....!
god who knows where to begin.. anything and everything with the exception of really hard core metal shit and really hard core rap shit.. basically anything, and i mean ANYTHING, with a soul...
Top 5 Favorites, in order: 1. Dogma 2. Romeo and Juliet 3. Oh Brother Where Art Thou? 4. Neverending Story 5. The Princess Bride
tv sucks
Tom Robbins, Christopher Moore, Vonnegut, Bukowski, Douglas Coupland, Chuck Palahniuk, anything in the Lonely Planet genre, and so many more that i can't think of off the top of my head.. basically, by my bedside now sits a Details mag, a National Geographic and a book of lectures given by Ram Dass...good stuff...
All of my friends who each make up a small part of who I am... Strangers I have met in the world who have shown me a kindness unknown to most Americans... the lower-rung employees of the world who sacrifice pride and money in lieu of selling their soul to sit in at a desk all day.. Anyone who has done the things i have not had the balls to try... :) Brian 3000 ....