let me put my loves in order. my top ten loves. ............. (1) I love the accordion.... (2) Men with funny facal hair. (3) Tops and marbels....... (4) Men in brown suits.......... (5) NPR they tell me that some people are just better then others.............................. (6) The history of aviation. (7) Singing the song back in the saddle again.............. (8) My picture collection of strangers........................... (9) Thinking about space. (10) My beautiful teeth
people who live in houses made of meat, pork houses. and people who like the moon but not tranqeul music. people who talk more then they breath. and a man who moves mounaits
Tom Waits, Wilmoth Houdini (i think he's only on vinal), Cibo Matto, bluegrass, any thing with the accordion , but i do not like people who play music and look you dead in the eye and never stop, they just keep looking at you and not thinking about how creepy it is. and most of the time their mouths are open, Creepy!
day of the locust , Friztcarraldo, brain candy,freaks, chained for life, the batman movie (the very first one 1970)Xanadu! movies about stuff the seem pointless but screw very thing up you know like drapes (the cobweb, it's only on laser disc but see it )oh and the beach party movies
GOOD TIMES, a show about a black family in the pre-crack ghato , it has moral value.( i like moral values)
crime and punishment
Shirley Luke SchnellBRUCIO! (he'll have a flying dream and won't even look down your shirt), The female aviator who died after falling out of an air ship, George Washington Carver & Annette. JP II