slackwax profile picture


come on, let's not turn this rape into a murder.

About Me

OnePlusYou Quizzes and WidgetsI like puppies. i come from california, i went to art school in kansas city, and i like to dance with my friends.

My Interests

i read a few comic books, watch some anime, and read mainly science fiction. i also collect toys. oh, and there's that art-thing i do.

I'd like to meet:

zombies.. ..jeffrey brown


my favorite songs are Goodbye Horses by Q. Lazzarus and Baby Bitch by Ween, though i don't listen to a lot of Q. lazzarus or Ween. other things i like include: adam green, air, badly drawn boy, beat happening, bis, cat power, cibo matto, combustible edison, elliot smith, grandaddy, halo benders, little wings, lost sounds, mirah, modest mouse, pizzacato five, polaris, rjd2, shannon wright, solex, sparklehorse, the apples in stereo, the blow, the flaming lips, the velvet underground, yo la tengo, and some other things...


i like movies where the story is long, the plot non-existent, and the good guys are not much better than the bad guys


arrested delelopement, the adventures of pete and pete, the office (the british one), freaks and geeks, the single guy, good eats, ai yori aoshi, berserk, boogiepop phantom, chobits, cowboy bebop, escaflowne, fruits basket, full metal panic, his and her circumstances, kids in the hall, mahoromatic, midori no hibi, mr. show, nadesico, neon genesis evangelion, news radio, niea under seven, paranoia agent, prince of tennis, princess nine, rahxephon, ranma 1/2, samurai champloo, serial experiments lain, strangers with candy, tenchi muyo, twitch city, school rumble, dead like me, Carnivale, blah blah blah.


the authors i generally read are alan moore, garth nix, neil gaiman, philip k. dick, ron rege jr., jeffrey brown and william gibson. like i said, lots of scifi. oh yeah, and grant morrison is pretty awesome


yoko kanno, range murata, mark ryden, and some more i can't remember

What Famous Leader Are You?

My Blog

plate that up and give it to me

Not much going on. Yesterday Jenny and I got monstrously high on mushrooms in golden gate park. After sitting around looking at ducks and trees doing crazy things we met up with Nathan in Japan town a...
Posted by slackwax on Thu, 16 Oct 2008 08:24:00 PST

Things going on

Went to see Todd Barry at the Punchline on Thursday. It was pretty fun. Went with James. Jenny and Derrick were going to meet us there , so we sat in the very front, with two seats behind us for them ...
Posted by slackwax on Sun, 12 Oct 2008 12:13:00 PST

far cry from sexy

Last night I got drunk on Bud Light, an amazing feat. That was pretty much the extent of my after-work activities.
Posted by slackwax on Mon, 29 Sep 2008 01:46:00 PST

Forget the thing you call a face

I dreamt last night that I was stuck in some stagnant distopian world. It was all polluted and underground like the future in 12 Monkeys. The only way out was through this huge wall, that was hollow, ...
Posted by slackwax on Fri, 26 Sep 2008 03:15:00 PST

sop box soup box jiz box. who knows what time it is

Today I went on the internet and applied for economic hardship deferment on my loans once again. James once told me that he wouldn't marry me until I had payed off my loans. Well, I guess that means I...
Posted by slackwax on Wed, 24 Sep 2008 11:05:00 PST


James and I saw "Burn After Reading" tonight. Kind of slow, but the ending made it all well worth it.
Posted by slackwax on Tue, 23 Sep 2008 10:38:00 PST

Soup 6, Way-9. The colors of my face kites

Man, I really dislike most of my dad's family. When my grandma dies it'll suck, but at least it'll mean that I don't ever have to see my dad's sisters, or any of their spawn ever again. They are just ...
Posted by slackwax on Tue, 09 Sep 2008 04:45:00 PST


Things are going pretty goood*. I got some new brown boots today. These ones actually;They make my feet look like tiny pony hoooves**. I like them. I will wear them and prance around merrily.Jenny is ...
Posted by slackwax on Mon, 01 Sep 2008 11:22:00 PST

hey sugar in the tea

I dreamt of zombies once again. This time I was living in an apartment above a chinese resturaunt with the guys from Super7, Eric was there too. We were working on an instructional video for survivors...
Posted by slackwax on Wed, 20 Aug 2008 12:41:00 PST

shirk your responsibilities

James gave me his ipod since he bought Joey's old iphone off him. My backpack is remarkably light now that I don't have to lug around my cd player and a bunch of cds. good times. Still, I don't have a...
Posted by slackwax on Tue, 19 Aug 2008 04:07:00 PST