I am tRulY inTereSted in gettIng peopLe oUt to pArtiEs anD cReating an enErgY tO whICh iNdiViDuals can eXpLodE, or a mOre TransItIonal cliMax if you ChOose, INtO a sErioUs eleCtRonIc fRActal oF pSychEdElIc puLsES. not That thIs two DiMeNtIOnal vIrtuAl wOrld is so bad.. its Just KeEpinG PeopLe tUniNg in nigHt afTer nighT instEd Of FolloWing insTinCtUAl vIbRatIons..whiCh usuAlly lEad to thE dance fLoor....
HyPer performAnce MediaTor for thE tRanSmiSsion of pSychedelic Events, GathErings and Parties both uNder and aBove gRounD
If you have been to any aMazing parties or haVe heard anY inCrediblE soundS I woulD liKe to hear abouT itAlso If you have a picTures fRom any recEnt haPpeNingS send tHem to [email protected]
pSyOrgies, dIvIne sAlv 10x or 20 if your loaded
alMost EverY weeKend aLL summer oUr Crew pLans tO hAve FreE ouTdOor pArtIes....in NYC area