Ariel Meadow Stallings profile picture

Ariel Meadow Stallings

Author, marketer, commentator, schemer

About Me

I am Ariel Meadow Stallings, and yes, that is my real name. I'm a writer mostly , but I'm also a media commentator , web community mobilizer , social media marketer , online obsessive, comedy event organizer , profanity spitter, wife , dog owner , only child, and 30-something weirdo.
I've been in media for about a decade, first soldiering away in the underground, editing a rave magazine called Lotus . You've probably never heard of it, but if you have you might have loved it and known that it was my firstborn.
After five years of that, I decided it was time to get my shit out to the masses, and so I started writing about everything from culture to technology to movie stars to women's issues to ear and nose hair trimmers .
Broadening your focus pays off, and my first book was published in 2007 — that's Offbeat Bride over there to the right, and it will make you laugh even if you're like "wtf, who cares about weddings." MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I'd like to meet:

Fabulous freaks who are making it in the real world. Ambitious go-getters who walk more than they talk. People who think as hard as they dance. Ass-kickers who've navigated the rocky road from the nightlife underground to daytime success. Weirdos who understand that it's all about personal branding and being smart about how to work your shit. People who get paid to do what they love.I like being around people who are living their dreams -- not just talking about what it would be like if they could.

My Blog

my blog lives elsewhere

I blog almost daily at
Posted by Ariel Meadow Stallings on Fri, 24 Mar 2006 05:20:00 PST