Holly profile picture


EVERY knee will bow

About Me

I have no great crazy accomplishments in my life...well, getting kicked out of a Bible School that taught religiousity is probably my greatest feat because I didn't belong there and I don't believe in religion...only a savior that loves unconditionally and freely gives saturation love to human kind on this earth who are unable to save themselves (aka Master, Jesus, Holy Spirit, The King, The Creator). I am a college dropout because it hurts my soul. SOmetimes I'm rich, sometimes I'm poor, music helps me through. I want to write a book someday. I dont care if I'm never married or never have kids if it means coming into my destiny...I just want my soul to be free and if I was meant to just travel and start a revolution...so be it. I write music and sing. Someday I'm going to be able to see into the spiritual realm (I had to stick SOME prophecy in there). I hope that someday I will understand exactly what I'm living for and never look back... MySpace Backgrounds http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y8Oby1V6y6o
Your Hidden Talent
You have the natural talent of rocking the boat, thwarting the system.
And while this may not seem big, it can be.
It's people like you who serve as the catalysts to major cultural changes.
You're just a bit behind the scenes, so no one really notices.
Your Life Path Number is 11
Your purpose in life is to inspire others
Your amazing energy draws people to you, and you give them great insight in return.
You hold a great amount of power over others, without even trying.
You have the makings of an inventor, artist, religious leader, or prophet.
In love, you are sensitive and passionate. You connect with your partner on a very deep level.
You have great abilities, but you are often way too critical of yourself.
You don't fit in - and instead of celebrating your differences, you dwell on them.
You have high expectations of yourself. But sometimes you set them too high and don't achieve anything. What Is Your Life Path Number?

My Interests

REVELATIONS FROM THE CREATOR, dreaming (visions and prophecies), music, writing, driving, analyzing life & God, deep conversations, finding out that the God of the universe has protected me from my own downfalls, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, the realization that He knows me...HE knows me...thats my interest.

I'd like to meet:


TOOL lyrics



My Summer of Love, Girl Interrupted, Almost Famous, Apocolypse NOw, Trainspotting, Igby Goes Down, MErmaids, ANything Else, I shot ANdy Warhol, Waking LIfe, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Romeo and Juliet, The Secret Garden, Fear and L, Neverending Story, Mad Love, Thirteen, Boys on the Side, Around the Fire, Dig, FoxFire, Independent Films most likely will inspire me, CULT CLASSICS


American Justice, COld Case Files, The Osbournes, E!, Behind THe Music, Documentaries, Roseanne, Intervention


ANything by Sylvia Plath, Waking the Dead, THe Screwtape Letters(explained my whole life), The Bible, BIOGRAPHIES

My Blog

ABOVE it all

Last night I drove up into the mountains and came to a spot where I could see all of Pocatello. It was so good for me to be above the city...above the pressure of LIFE. I felt closer to God...you shou...
Posted by Holly on Tue, 20 Feb 2007 06:18:00 PST

This empty place

Lately I've lost my sight. I couldn't see what is important to me. I love people. All types of people...so much...too much. I can't help but want to be a part of their life... but everyone doesn't lov...
Posted by Holly on Sat, 17 Feb 2007 08:16:00 PST

In stride

Well here I am in Pocatello again. I thought I would hate it but I guess I didn't realize how unhappy I was with my job and my life in Boise until I am away from it. Its good to be back...I feel free ...
Posted by Holly on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 07:32:00 PST


Well, finally I'm here after blood, sweat and tears but...here. Things have been quite interesting this past week...I've come away from it all with only a limp...thats getting better but still can't w...
Posted by Holly on Mon, 10 Jul 2006 11:35:00 PST


 Been taking deep breaths today cuz I'm sad and swallowing to hold back my tears (cuz I'm not a fan of crying). I can't really believe its happening finally. The plan to move was concocted and do...
Posted by Holly on Fri, 30 Jun 2006 11:52:00 PST

Like a Rolling Stone

well, I got approved for the apartment I wanted today and all is ready to go and I've paid my shit and I'm leaving on the 1st (next saturday)...I am very excited but a little nervous because I know wi...
Posted by Holly on Thu, 22 Jun 2006 10:30:00 PST

Heavier Than HEaven

 I was just reading this biography today about Kurt Cobains life...one of the better biographies I have read about Kurt and Nirvana...if you care. NEways, I thought it quite interesting that BEFO...
Posted by Holly on Thu, 15 Jun 2006 12:13:00 PST


    Well its time again....to move. I am going back to BOise (I think)...because I'm not doing good here....I feel like I'm on a merry go round and I can't get off... NEways, I'm going ...
Posted by Holly on Tue, 13 Jun 2006 08:56:00 PST

I want to lose myself

 I have recently realized that the thing I want most in this life is to be able to lose myself....be able to step outside of my body and step into my spirit and live in my spirit...through my spi...
Posted by Holly on Tue, 16 May 2006 01:30:00 PST

fate? divine guidance? i think soo....

Last night I was having a super shitty night. I was hanging out with all these people who I dont even relate with at all. I hate that....it makes me feel so alone in the world....neways, the night jus...
Posted by Holly on Sat, 08 Apr 2006 12:55:00 PST