REVELATIONS FROM THE CREATOR, dreaming (visions and prophecies), music, writing, driving, analyzing life & God, deep conversations, finding out that the God of the universe has protected me from my own downfalls, the manifestation of the Holy Spirit, the realization that He knows me...HE knows me...thats my interest.
TOOL lyrics
My Summer of Love, Girl Interrupted, Almost Famous, Apocolypse NOw, Trainspotting, Igby Goes Down, MErmaids, ANything Else, I shot ANdy Warhol, Waking LIfe, Fast Times at Ridgemont High, Romeo and Juliet, The Secret Garden, Fear and L, Neverending Story, Mad Love, Thirteen, Boys on the Side, Around the Fire, Dig, FoxFire, Independent Films most likely will inspire me, CULT CLASSICS
American Justice, COld Case Files, The Osbournes, E!, Behind THe Music, Documentaries, Roseanne, Intervention
ANything by Sylvia Plath, Waking the Dead, THe Screwtape Letters(explained my whole life), The Bible, BIOGRAPHIES