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About Me

Uh, let's see, I'm a single bachelor who lived in Crystal Lake 4 like 20 years plus, then I moved out 2 a condo in Rolling Meadows. U know what, I'm going 2 leave it there. I'm good and mysterious like that...

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My Interests

My own remixes - radio sucks, so I make my own versions of pop songs.

I'd like to meet:

A certain musician from Minneapolis...


OK, I do like other shit besides my boy Prince! Seriously - I also like the following: Janet Jackson, Alicia Keys, Aaliyah, TLC, Elisa Fiorillo, Jill Jones, Ingrid Chavez, Morris Day and The Time, Sheila E., Taja Sevelle, Carmen Electra (yes, she was a recording artist once)...and guilty pleasures such as George Michael, Richard Marx, Christina Aguilera...and 4 some reason I'm madly in love with Kelly Clarkson...


Purple Rain, Under The Cherry Moon, Sign O The Times, Batman, Grafitti Bridge, Animal House, Lethal Weapon, Poetic Justice, Night Shift, Beverly Hills Cop, Private Parts (Howard Stern movie), Jackass, and various movies let's just say Jenna Jameson and Ron Jeremy are in a few of them...


OK, I watch The Young and the Restless. That's right, I'm a soap-watcher. But just that one. Really! Anyway, I'm a sucker 4 The Real World, I miss Beavis & Butt-head......and when I was a kid I was obsessed with The Dukes of Hazzard. How's that 4 variety?


Prince – A Pop Life (by Jon Bream), Prince – A Documentary by Per Nilsen (1990 and 1993 editions), Purple Reign (by Liz Jones), Turn It Up 2.0 (basically the Prince bible 2 me!), Rock N’ Roll Comic Book (by Revolutionary Comics), Prince: Alter Ego (comic book), Three Chains Of Gold (comic book), Lovesexy tour book, Act I tour book, NPG Dance Company tour book, One Nite Alone tour book, Musicology tour book, Emancipation LP lyric book


I know it seems 2 obvious, but it's my man PRINCE. He's taught me things about life that they don't teach in school or at home.

My Blog

The music industry has lost a leader and mentor on Christmas Day

This is a true genius who changed the face of music forever.  Why do u think so many pop, R&B, and rap artists sampled his music?  Let alone the simple fact that he was such a huge...
Posted by Paisley on Mon, 25 Dec 2006 10:10:00 PST

My fucked up dreams, vol.3

Dream #1: I somehow get from Rolling Meadows all the way 2 Crystal Lake in a shopping cart.  Once I'm there, I meet this guy Rob who I knew from high school in a Target parking lot.  I go in...
Posted by Paisley on Fri, 15 Sep 2006 05:50:00 PST

Why is there a need to "bring sexy back"?

Prince is right.  Sexy never left in the first place. So why is everyone making such a big deal over this stupid song?  
Posted by Paisley on Mon, 04 Sep 2006 11:53:00 PST

How to score a hit single

Hey kids!  Wanna have your own pop song played on the radio and make a boatload of $$ off it?  Just follow these simple guidelines: 1)  No snare drums allowed.  Only thos...
Posted by Paisley on Mon, 07 Aug 2006 05:57:00 PST

On this day 22 years ago...

This masterpiece was released.  The one album that people associate with Prince probably more than any other.  Prince himself once said Purple Rain is like his albatross.  It will hang...
Posted by Paisley on Mon, 26 Jun 2006 04:28:00 PST

American Idol: Prince shows all those teenyboppers how it's done

A couple months ago, I was reading all this bitching and moaning on certain Prince fan websites about how God awful terrible it would be if he went on American Idol.  Like OH NO, why would P...
Posted by Paisley on Thu, 25 May 2006 08:03:00 PST

I did not shave my head last night

I normally do so the night before, that way I'm not so rushed the following morning.  But yesterday was one of those days where 2 many little things added up.  And most of them happened afte...
Posted by Paisley on Fri, 28 Apr 2006 05:14:00 PST

I want my Cubbies 2 kick some ass this year, but...

I'm used to facing reality.  When you're a Cubs fan, you don't get your hopes up.  You can't afford to.  Look what happened in '03 for fuck's sake.  We're all like, ...
Posted by Paisley on Fri, 14 Apr 2006 12:18:00 PST

Prince debuts at number one - need I say more?

OK, well yeah I need say more, otherwise I wouldn't be blogging this.  Let me get right 2 the point.  Pop music SUCKS.  Today's popular music basically falls into one of 3 categories -...
Posted by Paisley on Thu, 30 Mar 2006 05:50:00 PST

My fucked up dreams

Dream #1: While trying 2 sleep in my newly renovated condo, there were a whole bunch of college kids out on the lawn in back being loud and obviously having some big-ass party.  I opened the wind...
Posted by Paisley on Tue, 28 Mar 2006 06:23:00 PST