From Des Moines, Iowa comes Beati Paoli (pronounced BEE-ah-TEE
POW-lee), a popular rock quintet that straddles the precarious line
between indie grit and theatrical pop flair. Beati Paoli has steadily
built a fanbase with their electric live performances, playing with
the likes of Man Man, The Cinematics and Asobi Seksu along the way.The
band, having trekked to either coast earlier this year, has decided to
split the difference this Fall with a tour of their landlocked home:
the American Middle West.
Beati Paoli's humble origins can be traced back to the autumn of
2005, when friends Gregory Goode (vocals), Scott O'Gara (drums), Ryan
Meier (bass) and Uciel (guitar), decided to build upon the foundations
of their myriad prior musical endeavors and began writing and
rehearsing new material. The lads' work carried on in earnest
throughout 2006: In addition to numerous live engagements, BP also
recorded an E.P. entitled "Penny Dreadful", subsequently releasing the
results through Barely Bias Recordings. The year also saw the welcome
addition of guitarist Cecil Skrdlant, whose presence helps augment a
live unit fast coming into their own.
Listening to Beati Paoli on record and experiencing them live
are two separate worlds, both worth living in. The recordings are full
of experimental instumentation and carefully textured arrangements,
ideal soundscapes for headphone scrutiny. Live, the band's mix of
rhythmic precision and reverb-drenched guitars coalese to create an
experience notably different but equally vital to the idea of what
Beati Paoli is and what Beati Paoli can do. Both act as essential
outlets for the restless drive that brought these five young men in
the first place under a name that evokes curiosity, creativity, and
above all a distinct point of view: Beati Paoli.
-beati paoli