Karen profile picture


I am here for Friends

About Me

Heya all of my friends out there in the land of MySpace.. Be sure to leave your mark on my page. Click the add me link on the top left hand corner of this box and add yourself so everyone can see who my fantastic friends are;) Love Ya's!
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* . . About You . . *
Eye Color:: Light Green, the Intensity all depends on the mood that I am in..
Hair Color:: Naturally Blonde, very, very, very, long
Height:: 5'11 and a half without shoes.. Well over 6 foot with shoes on:)
Favorite Color:: Black & Red
Screen Name:: SensualMindedFemale on Yahoo
Favorite Band:: I have many...
Favorite Movie:: I am a movie fantatic.. some of my favorites are.. "Somewhere In Time", "The Phantom Of The Opera", "What Dreams May Come"
Favorite Show:: I am addicted to Reality Television, and I Really Enjoy House
Your Car:: Yes I have one.. I Could not be "Supermomma" without one:)
Your Hometown:: I was born in Rota, Spain
Your Present Town:: Pensacola, Florida
Your Crushes First Name:: *it's A secret"
Your Grade:: Grade A??
Your Style:: MINE:) I Have my own style.. Karen Couture
* . . Have You Ever . . *
Sat on your rooftop?: I have when I lived in Italy and it was beautiful
Kissed someone in the rain?: I have indeed.. it led to a lot more in the rain, lol
Danced in a public place?: Of course.. All over the streets of NYC
Smiled for no reason?: I am always smiling..
Laughed so hard you cried?: Of course I have fantastic friends that when we all get together you cant help it.
Peed your pants after age 8?: uhh no, lol
Written a song?: Many.. I am constantly writing stuff
Sang to someone for no reason?: I have..
Performed on a stage?: Quite a few times:) Something about doing things in Public.. wink
Talked to someone you don't know?: Everyday.. It's in the Job Description
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?:
Made out in a theatre?: lmao During Nightmare on Elm Street, in Puerto Rico in the late 80's
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: I have I have.. Fell flat on my arse but I tried, lmaoo
Been in love?: I have been Blessed
* . . Who was the last person to . . *
Say HI to you?: Dawn
Tell you, I love you?: My kids
Kiss you?: My momma on my forehead
Hug you?: Tyler
Tell you BYE?: A Co-worker
Write you a note?: My son Jason
Take your photo?: My son Jason
Call your cell phone?: I don't have on anymore.. LEASH, lol
Buy you something?: My dad bought me a Pot for the Kitchen
Go with you to the movies?: Roni, Doug, and their son Ian
Sing to you?: Andres
Write a poem about you?: lol Tommy my son, it was adorable
Text message you?: Duwayne
Touch you?: ohhhhh in what way??
* . . What's the last . . *
Time you laughed?: Today while reading the comments on my MySpace page
Time you cried?: To many times to count this week
Movie you watched?: "GIA" can we say YUM
Joke you told?: lmaoo The kids and I had a joke off earlier.. I lost.. BADLY
Song you've sang?: Naughty Boy by Christina Aguilera
Time you've looked at the clock?: A little while ago on my page
Drink you've had?: Alcoholic about a week ago I had some wine.. Tonight was a glass of pink lemonade
Number you've dialed?: A freind who stopped to help with an accident and almost got hit in the process
Book you've read?: Jude Deveraux : A Knight in Shining Armour
Food you've eaten?: Pretzels
Flavor of gum chewed?: Strawberry Bubble Yum
Shoes you've worn?: A peair of Italian leather peep to platform heels
Store you've been in?: Navy Exchange, Penscaola
Thing you've said?: damn this is a long survey
* . . Can You . . *
Write with both hands?: I am indeed ambidextrious and can do more than write with both hands:) *evil smile*
Whistle?: I can.. not well but I can
Blow a bubble?: I can, I can, I can, and a big one
Roll your tounge in a circle?: Ok feel like an idiot sitting here trying to do it, lol and I cant, lol
Cross your eyes?: I can but it gives me a headache
Touch your tounge to your nose?: no.. sigh.. Rather touch it to other things.. Nose is NOT one of them, lol
Dance?: I dance all the time..
Gleek?: What the hell is gleek?
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: ALLLL the time
Speak a different language?: I speak Spanish on a daily basis
Impersonate someone?: lol I know its bad but I do it all the time
Prank call people?: Does answering my phone like a Phone sex operator count?
Make a card pyramid?: lol when I was 10 maybe
Cook anything?: All the time.. Its in the SUPERMOMM job description.. MUST COOK ON A DAILY BASIS
* . . Finish The Line . . *
If i were a ...: Millionare.. I would open up a camp for Girls and teach them that they are Beautiful just the way they are.. And they don't have to be a size 2, or ethnicity to be beautiful!
I wish ...: I could inspire other Women to love themselves, and see themselves for the true inner beauty they possess:)
So many people don't know that ...: I am not as strong as I appear? I am not perfect and the weight of the world gets heavy after awhile:)
I am ...: proud of where I have been and even prouder of what I have become..
My heart is ...: BIG ENOUGH for the world.. I will INSPIRE as many lives as I can.. One person at a time:)
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My Interests

Don't Forget.. No matter what the number on a scale reads. No matter what the size of your clothing says, No matter the color of your skin. YOU ARE BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
2 and a half years ago I was given a year to live... I had had a heart attack in May of 2003 and had already battled Cancer 3 times.. I had all the typical weight enduced medical problems, and I was dying from the inside out... I was 435 pounds and at the point where I had to use a machine when I slept.. I couldnt walk up 3 stairs without being totally exausted and having constant chest pains.. I was given 2 options... Either continue to live as I was and watch the quality of my life rapidly deteriorate and not be alive within a year, or take the chance and under go Gastric Bypass Surgery.. So I made the decision that I HAD to have this surgery for health reasons to stay alive.. I had the surgery and within the first week I lost 12 pounds,, by 6 months I had lost 125 pounds.. and I was no longer suffering from any of the medical problems that were once killing me.. I loved myself then and the only reason I had the surgery was to basically save my life.. What people that have this surgery fail to understand is that the weight loss DOES NOT get rid of emotional baggage it will still be there when the weight is gone.. One must learn to love themself whether they are 800 pounds or 100 pounds.. We need to learn as women to accept ourselves.. Perfection is NON EXISTENT.. Perfection is in the eyes of our loved ones, our children, our true friends... We as women need to stand tall and show society that we will no longer walk with our eyes lowered wearing baggy clothes ashamed of who We are.. We will stand tall, We will walk with our heads held HIGH... Our Shoulders Back.. And be proud to be Women that are not defined by the size of our clothes or the number on a scale.. Watch out WORLD... Because HERE WE COME!!!
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NEVER FORGET.... No matter what size clothing you wear.... What the number on a scale says, what color your skin might be, or what language you speak.. YOU ARE, and ALWAYS WILL BE.....********** My son Tyler took these pictures of me September 27th 2006. Get Your Own! | View Slideshow *********** ******************************** *****************************Most of my friends know or have heard of my Hurricane Katrina ordeal. I have blogged my experience if you care to read it. Here is a little Photo montage I put together of my home or whats left of it, and the surrounding areas.Get Your Own! | View SlideshowI have NUMEROUS things I do for fun.. Doodling on paper is one of them.. All though I am far from the best I enjoy it emmensly. Thought I would share with ya:)I have numerous interests way to many to list here but to name a few... I love to write and have had a few things published and am working on my first book. I have been known though to be a horrible Typist.. My fingers seem to want to move faster than my brain wants them to, lol.. Request Karenese translation manuals via E-mail, lol *WINK* I love to travel.. I think that stems from being a Military brat and moving every 3 years.. My dad chose to stay over seas so I was blessed to be able to grow up among many different cultures. Another one of my passions is ART.. I love to draw mainly with pencil and charcol, it is a great way to express oneself and has a wonderful calming effect.. Yes I am an artsy type of person who loves people from all different cultures..************************************************** *** **************************************************
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I absolutely LOVE music.. My tastes are very eclectic ranging from 80's to 50's, from Opera, to rock, from Asian, to African drums, from alternative to pop.. A little of everything. I taught dance for quite a while and am in love with Latin dance, and the music that comes along with it from Celia Cruz, to Hector lavoe, Luis Miguel, and I could keep going... I think its the passion that ooozes from Latin Music that draws me to it;)


I am an avid Movie Collector...I love a good movie!!! Some of my favorites being "Somewhere In Time", "What Dreams May Come", and many more.. I love independant films as well. I am a huge Broadway fan, I adore the stage and everything that comes along with it.. Phantom of the Opera is one of my alllll time favorites. (I guess I need to thank my parents for getting me started in Drama at a very young age, lol)Get Your Own! | View Slideshow


Ok a flaw of mine.... I love reality Television, lol.. Yes I admit it.. I am hooked... Its the time where my Mother and I bond, lol.. Another good show I like is HOUSE, I think I just like the character of the smart ass doctor with the weird ways of figuring out whats wrong with the patient, lol.


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Well I have a few heroes... The first being my youngest twin.. I was blessed with awesome kids.. All of them.. But one of my twins was dealt some health issues from birth and has over come so much.. He has had a total of 25 surgeries and is a CHAMP!!! To look at him you would have no idea this kid has been through so much but he has.. The lates surgery was 1 month ago on Jan 23rd where they operated on his spine and spinal cord.. Besides him wearing a brace to protect anyone from knocking his back you would have no idea its amazing how fast kids heal.. He tells me mom It's no worry all of this builds Character.. Hes 9 years old, lol.. He says to me.. "Momma Chicks dig scars" lol

My Blog

Tylers New Diagnosis

I will be adding to this blog weekly updating whats going on and how he is feeling:) I honestly do not even know where to begin. I am having a hard time finding words. Most of you have read the earli...
Posted by Karen on Fri, 20 Apr 2007 01:28:00 PST

Dear Mr. President

I just have to share this Music video it touched me rather Deeply. I know that some will be offended and they have the right to their opinions and I respect them for that, just as they should respect ...
Posted by Karen on Tue, 17 Apr 2007 08:16:00 PST

Attempting to be STRONG. A Temporary Emotional Cleansing

Ok this is just a me rambling, and doing a temporary emotional cleansing of sorts,  so if you actually decided to read this keep that in mind. I probably will read this in the morn...
Posted by Karen on Mon, 09 Apr 2007 03:04:00 PST

Women Of Strength

This blog is dedicated to all of the WONDERFUL Women out there that are loving, laughing, and living. And for those Women who are standing tall in the face of adversity, and taking the obsta...
Posted by Karen on Thu, 22 Mar 2007 01:58:00 PST


Heya Friends, First I want to thank you for taking the time to read this as most people do not bother to read the bulletins.  I admit I have been guilty of the same, lol Just a little note ...
Posted by Karen on Sun, 18 Mar 2007 11:36:00 PST

My Hurricane Katrina Video

Just adding it here so that for some reason if it gets deleted or lost I have it somewhere:) I Can't bare to watch it but do not want to lose it:)  ...
Posted by Karen on Thu, 21 Dec 2006 03:26:00 PST

A Declaration of Independance from a Weight-Obsessed World....

I found this post on an awesome site (MySpace.com/evesrib), and just had to share... Everyone knows I am an advocate for Loving your body no matter what shape.....size.....color... etc.. So please lea...
Posted by Karen on Tue, 24 Oct 2006 08:52:00 PST

Strong Enough?

   Everyone has their breaking point.. The weight of the world on one's shoulders gets rather heavy after a while.. and you wonder if your strong enough to continue to carry it.. or lose it ...
Posted by Karen on Thu, 12 Oct 2006 06:13:00 PST

The Beauty of a Woman by Sam Levinson

I found this blog on a friends blog, and just had to re post it.. As you probably know.. My MySpace page is dedicated in most part to the need for Women to feel beautiful in their skin no matter weigh...
Posted by Karen on Sat, 07 Oct 2006 01:59:00 PST

Ramblings of an Emotional woman one year after Katrina

Most that know me have read my Hurricane Katrina experience in an earlier blog I have on here, and they have seen the pictures of what was left afterwards... If you have not read it then this next pi...
Posted by Karen on Tue, 29 Aug 2006 11:01:00 PST