teresa profile picture


Fear is the cheapest room in the house...

About Me

Where to start, where to start....Loves: big cities, travel, live music in teeny venues, photography, learning, reading, books, words, poetry, art, seashells by the seashore, meditation by the seashore, library time, quiet time, journals, remembering, making memories, peacoats, scarves, tall boots, lime-green, raspberry tea, water with lemon, morning pages, artist's dates with myself, 5am, dusk, morning dew, wet grass underneath my yoga mat, my wishing cow, my buddha statue, yellow anything, big honkin' purses, dictionary's, the smell of a new book, actually sitting down and reading the entire newspaper everyday (with the exception of the sports and business section - can't get my mind to care enough about those two), cake and frosting, frosting and cake, sprinkles, coffee dates, brunch dates, big laughs, living IN and FOR the moment, that my "Loves" list is longer than my "Does Not Love" list...Does Not Love: conformity, disrespect, a lack of knowledge, the smell of burnt toast, slow computers, when my camera takes too long to process pictures I took one second ago, when my Grandmother sighs heavily, broken promises, unkept words, pen smears on my left hand
"I grew in those seasons like corn in the night...they were not time subtracted from my life, but so much over and above my usual allowance." - Thoreau
MyGen Profile Generator

My Interests

I love everything. At some point your relationship with God will become like this: next time you meet Him in the desert or on a crowded city street, there won't be anymore "leaving." That is, God will climb into your pocket. And you will simply just take yourself along. -Hafiz

The day will come when, with elation, You will greet yourself arriving at your own door, in your own mirror. And each will smile at the other's welcome, and say,'Sit here, eat.'

You will love again with the stranger who was yourself. Give bread, Give back your heart to itself, To the stranger who has loved you all your life, Whom you ignored for another, Who knows you by heart.

Take down the love letters from the bookshelf, The photographs, the desperate notes, Peel your own image from the mirror.

Sit. Feast on your life.

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to eat crab cakes with: Obama. I'd like to go hiking with: Bear Grylls. I'd like to drink tea with: Bill Clinton. I'd like to have a night on the town with: Drew Barrymore. I'd like to mud wrestle with: Oprah...and Gail.

I'd like to meet a man who enjoys reading the Lifestyles section of the newspaper.


See my top friends...




Most things on Bravo, Discovery, Food TV, Travel Channel, and HGTV.


"...Yet, in other moments, we found ourselves thinking, when enchanted by a starlit night, "Who then, made all this?"...


heroes don't do heroic things.

My Blog

This is your brain on kindness

An elderly lady is checking the oil in her own car. What admirable self-reliance. What a badass. A homeless man with nothing more but a bike and a backpack stopping to ask her if she needed any help a...
Posted by teresa on Mon, 22 Sep 2008 10:59:00 PST

This is called a blog.

Hi hi,I am at the library today (like everyday) using their free WiFi, and I realized I hadn't updated this wee thing in a long time. I don't really see the point in blogging anymore, and especially n...
Posted by teresa on Fri, 15 Aug 2008 01:25:00 PST