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I am here for Friends and Networking

About Me

I'm the present Oba of the O.C.M.,a trans-denominational Afro- Cuban/American religious science which was founded by my late Godfather, Baba Raul Canizares. I am also a serious student of Ving Tsun Kung Fu. At present, I'm involved in a musical project that is called Cuban Trance, and I do believe that my musical comrade Shango and I have got a good thing going...if you catch my drift! Well, that's basically the QUINTESSENTIAL NARAYAN. A religious spirituality that knows NO bounds, a passion for the science of the combative arts, and a "Ham", if I do say so myself! Oh, right, I'm a singer too. Although I think what I do is more like chanting, yes, chanting and offering melodious prayers to The God-Head...That Transcendental God-Head. So there you have it, I have succeeded in telling you a little bit "ABOUT ME".

My Interests

Chanting, Feasting, and Celebrating the Spiritual Presence within us all!

I'd like to meet:

I'd like to meet spiritually-driven,like-minded people.


Yoruba-Orisha Devotional Chants Indo-Asian Ragas Vaishnava Kirtana Shaiva Bhajana System of a Down(the rock band) Tupac Shakur Billie Holliday The Police(the rock band) Tibetan Bells


Kung Fu, Enter the Dragon, The Ten Commandments


The Bhagavad Gita is one of my favorite books. I will begin reading the I-Ching! Also, the Bible is awesome; but so is the Book of the Law, The Tibetan Book of the Dead and last but not least, Walking with the Night.


Baba Raul, Lord Jagga, Aiwaas, Jimi Hendrix, Bruce Lee, Yip Man, Wong Shun Leung, Wang Xiang Zhai,Krishna, Kalki, Maru, Devapi, Hanumanda and Srimati Durgamata.

My Blog

The Immortality of the Soul

[IMG]http://i106.photobucket.com/albums/m251/Ayaguna999/Orio nNebulaDeepField.jpg[/IMG]"One who 'sees' The Transcendental Soul in every living being and who likewise perceives this same Transcendental ...
Posted by Obaji on Fri, 30 Mar 2007 05:07:00 PST

Baba Raul Canizares a.k.a. Srila Bhagavan Babaji

Baba Raul Canizares was born in Cuba where he was initiated into the mysteries of Obatala Oba Moro at the tender age of seven, within the lineage of the legendary, Visionary Priestess of Yemaya, Fermi...
Posted by Obaji on Thu, 14 Dec 2006 08:03:00 PST

The Left-Hand Path to God-Head

There he is, Krishna, that naughty blackish boy who is always playing games with the Cowgirls from Braj! He is such a naughty boy; aye, but He is the very life-force that courses through the veins of ...
Posted by Obaji on Sun, 12 Nov 2006 04:34:00 PST

Ritualism vs. Spirituality

Moyuba Olodumare! Moyuba Olorun! Moyuba Nana! Moyuba Oba Fun Fun Ibaeh! Moyuba Lord Jaga Ibaeh! Moyuba Jose Ibaeh!Moyuba Amanda Gomez Ibaeh! Moyuba Ferminita Gomez Ibaeh! Moyuba Panchita Cardenas Ibae...
Posted by Obaji on Fri, 03 Nov 2006 02:32:00 PST

My Beautiful Ancestors

Greetings to all, I know it's been a while since I last wrote anything but here I am attempting to write once again. May Olodumare, who is The Supreme Harmony Personified,inspire us all to be reflecti...
Posted by Obaji on Tue, 17 Oct 2006 03:41:00 PST

The Remover of Obstacles

Moyuba Olodumare! Moyuba Olorun! Moyuba Nana!Maferefun Eshu! Maferefun Maleh! Hekua Yansa!Kinkamache to la pura Iyalocha y Kinkamache to lo puro Babalocha!AND ALL THOSE WHO MOCK MY GODHEAD SHALL BE PU...
Posted by Obaji on Sat, 16 Sep 2006 11:51:00 PST

Jaya Shri Ganapati Jaya Man!!!

Oh Shriman Ganapati, oh "Mischievous Lord" of the Universe, I implore you to consider those who are near and dear to me, as well as I, your most insignificant of servants, and please bless US with you...
Posted by Obaji on Tue, 05 Sep 2006 07:57:00 PST

Obatala is so merciful

All of you can mock all you want, scoff all you want, curse all you want, and threaten all you want! But I'll tell you something that is true; and that is that I have never met any of you people! Not ...
Posted by Obaji on Sat, 02 Sep 2006 05:20:00 PST

"The Lord of Categories"

All glories to Olodumare! All glories to Mawu/Lisa! All glories to Dambala-Ayida/Hwedo!All glories to Ardhanareshwara! All glories to Ardanagesvari! All glories to Nzambia!All glories to Mambe! All gl...
Posted by Obaji on Fri, 01 Sep 2006 10:03:00 PST


Dear "Friends",Humility comes naturally to those who realize that they are but a speck of dust[if even that] within an infinitely expanding universe. At the same time, this speck of dust feels pride w...
Posted by Obaji on Fri, 04 Aug 2006 10:18:00 PST