°~CaRoLiNe~°I loVe MaDoNnA <3~° profile picture

°~CaRoLiNe~°I loVe MaDoNnA &lt;3~°


About Me

Layout made by Bleeding_Rose102878Hi there..My name is Caroline but my friends call me CaRo.. I'm 20 Years old and I'm from Switzerland.I LiKe: CSI LaS vEgAs, SeX aNd ThE cItY,SaRaH cOnNoR (but i m just a fan not a stalker),TaKe PiCs,My FrIeNdS aNd FaMiLy,CiNeMa,SwIsS fOoTbAlL,NiCe PeOpLe,sMiLe,MuSiC,TeLeViSiOn,pC ( MsN, mYsPaCe),PaInT mY fInGeRnAiLs On *lol*,ReD bUlLI HaTe: BiTcHeS,PeOpLeS wHo ThInK ThEy ArE tHe BeSt,MaTcHoS *lol*,-->SaRaH cOnNoR hAtErS<---,BoYs WhO oNlY lOoK oN bOdYs,.... I tHiNk ThAtS aLl...,

My Interests

Freunde, Fussball, Lachen, Kino, singen und tanzen, Musik, Pics machen..

I'd like to meet:

...Myspace Online Now Icons Myspace Codes


alles mögliche, Backstreet Boys <3, Sarah Connor, Rammstein,Linkin Park, Kate Hall, DJ Antoine, Lockstoff, Lisa Stansfield, Madonna, kommt auf die Laune an *lol*...


Hide and Seek, die Farbe Lila, Flight Plane, Saw, The Hours, Verliebt in eine Hexe, Fear dot com, the house on hounted hill..


CSI Las Vegas, Sex and the City, Monk, Crossing Jordan, Monk, OC California, Desperate Housewives, Alias, Profiler, Grey's Anatomy..


Die Farbe Lila, CSI, Sex and the City,..


Roger Federer, Stephane Lambiel, Mladen Petric---->GO TO THE ADDY ON THE PIC<-----

My Blog


Sterne und Träume Weißt Du noch,wie ich Dir die Sterne vom Himmelholen wollte,um uns einen Traum zu erfüllen?AberDu meintest,     sie hingen viel zu hoch ...!Gesternstreckte i...
Posted by °~CaRoLiNe~°I loVe MaDoNnA <3~° on Mon, 06 Feb 2006 07:49:00 PST