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About Me

i love: my precious friends and family, and my psycho cat... i like: drinking way too much far too often, reading books in a bubble bath, travelling, first kisses, watching horror films, my bicycle, chips and mayo, high heel shoes, snow, playing my new favourite album/song over and over again, watching buffy and drinking cava with my best mate, lazy mornings and big breakfasts, going to loud gigs, gossiping with girl friends, mojitos, fancy dress parties, sunny beaches... MySpace Profile Photo Editor

My Interests


depends on the day.... the band, malcolm middleton, clayhill, clutch, aretha franklin, minor threat, nick drake, the clash, bob dylan, kyuss, van morrison, aberfeldy, gomez, the specials, johnny cash, ween, sabbath, elliot smith, elvis, nouvelle vague, trucktop honeymoon, the smiths, arab strap, the divine comedy, bonnie prince billy, midlake, herman dune, seasick steve (bloody brilliant live)... and all the random delights that 6music brings


scary films... films that make me cry... films with vampires/aliens/spaceships... favourites include: in america, serenity, a room for romeo brass, the eye, leon, the princess bride, xmen, breakfast at tiffany's, creep, dogma, once upon a time in the midlands, dead man's shoes, a tale of two sisters, amelie, pretty in pink, donnie darko, lotr, brokeback mountain, star wars, this is england, the grudge, napoleon dynamite, wolf creek...


i miss northern exposure and love never mind the buzzcocks. i watch the usual stuff if i'm in and not busy and must admit to owning buffy, angel, farscape, firefly and house dvd boxsets...


favourite authors are iain (m) banks and michael marshall (smith)... i read all sorts of anything though (and lots of it)

My Blog

i am 30

party theme was pub names........
Posted by jen on Sat, 19 May 2007 02:18:00 PST

aren't imacs just lovely?

i have a new computer and it's very beautiful and shiny... and it also works, which is the main thing and a vast improvement on the last one :o)
Posted by jen on Tue, 08 May 2007 08:20:00 PST


so, it is possible to write a passable 15,000 word dissertation in 24 days right? i'm 2304 words in... i think i might have to ban myself from myspace wandering, my new angel dvd and any books not rel...
Posted by jen on Tue, 02 Jan 2007 11:45:00 PST


how ace is new york? i'm not coming home.....xxxx
Posted by jen on Mon, 20 Nov 2006 07:15:00 PST

beautiful ladies

today i just have to point out that i love my friends. my best friend has had an awful time recently but she still makes the time to listen to me wittering on about trivial things and offer her wise a...
Posted by jen on Sun, 05 Nov 2006 10:02:00 PST

summer snaps

why can't we spend all summer sitting in fields watching bands? ...
Posted by jen on Mon, 21 Aug 2006 04:47:00 PST


TELL ME ABOUT YOURSELF - The Survey Name: Jennifer Helen Shaw Birthday: 7th May 1977 Birthplace: City Hospital, Nottingham Current Location: still in Nottingham Eye Color: blue/grey Hair Co...
Posted by jen on Mon, 06 Mar 2006 12:09:00 PST